Chapter 10: Breach

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Once everything calmed down, the boys, soobin's mom, and kai's sisters all sat together on their mat eating their meal boxes.

Despite being in such an awful situation, they were pretty content. They were clean, safe, and fed.

Soobin's mom sat close to soobin, her hand resting on his arm as she refused to let him escape from her grasp ever again.

It was pretty late now, the majority of the survivors asleep. The huenings were cuddled up together, beomgyu was curled up on taehyun's chest as he sleepily stroked his long wolf cut.

Soobin smiled softly at them as he looked down at yeonjun who was laying in his lap. He softly brushed his bangs back and smiled at him.

"we did it huh binnie?" yeonjun whispered.

Soobin smiled and nodded.

"yeah, we did it."

It was quiet for a second before yeonjun turned his head slightly to face soobin's torso.

"do you think kai's happy...wherever he you think he's okay?"

Soobin stopped for a second. He moved his free hand to rest on yeonjun's back as he continued to stroke through yeonjun's hair with the other.

"I know that wherever kai is, he's still kai. He still has that bubbly smile and that infectious laugh, wherever he is, our little ning-ning is happy."

Yeonjun teared up listening to soobin. He nodded against soobin's stomach sniffling softly.

Soobin sighed sadly.

"junnie sit up." He said softly.

Yeonjun slowly sat up to face soobin.

Soobin cupped both of his cheeks and wiped his tears with his thumbs.

"it's not your fault junnie. " he whispered as he brushed a piece of yeonjun's hair behind his ear.

Yeonjun just gave a small nod looking down at the floor.

Soobin leaned in and kissed his forehead very softly. When he pulled away, his eyes met yeonjun's, they were big and sparkly, looking at him with sadness and graciousness.

After a few seconds of staring, yeonjun tightened his arms around soobin's waist and leaned in pressing his lips to soobin's.

Soobin was surprised at first but he couldn't help but melt into the kiss, yeonjun's lips fitting with his perfectly.

He closed his eyes and kissed back, his hands slowly raising up yeonjun's chest until they were resting over his shoulders.

Yeonjun smiled through the kiss feeling soobin return his feelings.

Once they broke apart, they smiled at each other soft loving eyes meeting each other.

Soobin took yeonjun's hand and brushed his thumb over his knuckles.

"let's get some sleep hm?"

Yeonjun smiled and nodded squeezing soobin's hand before soobin laid down and opened his arms for yeonjun to crawl into. He wrapped his arms around him securely before he snuggled against him and fell asleep.

It had been a few days, the camp slowly got bigger as more survivors turned up, the guards doubling as the government sent more reinforcements in case something were to happen.

Soobin and yeonjun hadn't mentioned their kiss, they hadn't said a word about it. Soobin's mother spent her hours making sure the kids were as comfortable as possible, bringing them extra water and blankets making sure they ate enough. She did all the things mothers do but she put extra attention on soobin. She kept close to him, linking arms with him and taking every opportunity to kiss his cheeks, run her hands through his hair, look into his soft eyes and savor the time she had with him determined not to lose him ever again.

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