Chapter 2: Survival

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"Okay, so we need to sneak down to the street. Once we get down, act like a zombie, stumble, make a groaning sound and don't make any eye contact." Yeonjun ordered.

Kai swallowed nervously.

" this actually going to work?"

"It has to." Yeonjun said slamming his fist into his palm with a determined expression.

Kai shot Soobin a nervous glance and Soobin just shrugged in response.

The snuck behind the concrete walls and down to ground level.

"where's your house again hyung?" kai whispered.

"Across that street." Yeonjun pointed down the road.

"Okay, start stumbling and copy the noises they're making." Yeonjun said.

"Hyung I'm scared." Kai whined hiding behind Soobin.

"Everything will be okay Hyuka, just stay near me and do what yeonjun said okay?"

Kai took a breath and nodded.

They began walking, a subtle limp in their strides. Yeonjun walked out first after he tousled his hair slightly. he made a loud groaning sound as he dragged his foot across the pavement. Soobin and kai followed copying the noise yeonjun made.

Now they were in the middle of the road surrounded by tons of the undead beings. They had blood all over their bodies, their mouths and faces caked in the dark red substance. Their skin was ghostly pale, and they had sickening purple veins popping out from their necks and arms, their fingernails grimy.

Kai felt his heartbeat elevate as the creatures surrounded them. He stayed close to Soobin trying his hardest to keep up the act. He heard the groans in the street echo in his ears, the awareness of the dangerous creatures increasing every second.

They reached the end of the street and were about to turn down the sidewalk to get to Yeonjun's house but suddenly, kai screamed which snapped yeonjun and Soobin out of their zombie facades.

"Hyungs!!" he screamed as one of the creatures had a firm grip on kai's arm. It's decomposing arms wrapping around his torso, it's teeth dangerously close to kai's neck.

"Kai!" Soobin screamed which now alerted the rest of the creatures in the street.

"Fuck, Soobin look!" yeonjun yelled as they were now completely surrounded by zombies.

"Soobin was panicking, he needed to save kai he looked around frantically until he spotted a metal pipe on the ground. He slid on his knees to grab it scraping his kneecap in the process.

He looked up seeing yeonjun approaching kai.

"Yeonjun!" he yelled before throwing the pipe to the older.

Yeonjun caught the pipe and furrowed his brows, his hands tightening around the metal object.

"Kai duck!" he screamed.

Kai quickly ducked his head as yeonjun screamed slamming the pipe into the creatures' face, its head exploding on impact and splattering the boy with blood and brain matter. The body fell limp on the pavement beneath them with a wet thud as yeonjun grabbed kai and sprinted towards Soobin who was trying to fist fight several of the creatures surrounding him.

Kai quickly unzipped his backpack and tossed Soobin his umbrella. He caught it and began swinging it like crazy cracking the skulls of the hideous beasts with the top of the umbrella.

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