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                The sun shone through the small window of soobin's bedroom. The bright yellow rays casting over the two sleeping teens squeezed together in the twin bed. Yeonjun's hair was messily sprawled out over his face and against soobin's bare chest, his skin warm in the golden glow of the sun.

Yeonjun squinted at the light and flipped over to face soobin, his arm tightening over his thin waist.

Soobin blinked awake feeling yeonjun shift beneath him. He peeled his eyes open squinting at the sunlight before tilting his head down to look at yeonjun.

He smiled as he brushed his long hair out of his face running his fingers through the dirty blonde locks. He smoothed a few strands behind yeonjun's ear before he kissed his temple.

Yeonjun peeled his eyes open and looked up at soobin.

"morning sleepy head." Soobin teased.

Yeonjun smiled closing his eyes again for a second and inhaling a deep refreshing breath. He slid up the bed so that he was face to face with soobin.

"what time is it?" yeonjun asked in his deep croaky voice.

Soobin craned his neck to see his alarm clock on his nightstand.

"9:46" soobin answered.

Yeonjun yawned and stretched his arms up before he wrapped his leg around soobin and snuggled into him.

"can't we just stay like this all day?" he whined.

Soobin chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"you know mom wants us to eat breakfast with her, besides, beomgyu wants to go out to the market today."

Yeonjun whined but nodded in compliance.

Soobin helped him sit up and brushed his hair out of his face. After things calmed down yeonjun decided to keep his hair long. Soobin loves to play with it and pull it up into a ponytail.

His roots were dark brown as his natural hair color grew out into the bleach blonde.

He smiled at soobin before flopping out of bed, his joggers hanging loosely around his hips, his bare chest glowing in the natural light.

He pulled soobin out of bed holding his hands in between them.

Soobin smiled softly at yeonjun taking a second to absorb the moment, memorizing all the details of yeonjun's face, watching at his glowing hair cascaded down the sides of his face like shiny silk.

He slowly raised his hand up to the side of yeonjun's neck and he pulled him against him kissing him softly.

Yeonjun kissed back, his hands firmly on soobin's waist.

They broke apart and smiled.

"what was that for?" yeonjun asked with a smirk.

Soobin took a breath and took both of yeonjun's hands into his.

"I wanna tell them."

"really? You know you don't have to." Yeonjun said rubbing his thumbs over soobin's knuckles.

"it's time. They should know, should know."

Yeonjun smiled and kissed soobin's forehead.

"I'm proud of you binnie, I'll be right next to you the whole time okay?"

Soobin nodded and smiled.

"I love you yeonjun."

Yeonjun pulled soobin into a hug.

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