Chapter 8: Safety

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The examination process was stressful and frightening. Each exam took nearly forty-five minutes each. Beomgyu stood anxiously in line, his foot bouncing as he glanced around the camp seeing dozens of people waiting in lines. In front of him was an elderly woman who looked frightened and worried. He saw nothing but broken faces, every single person there definitely has lost someone close to them because of this, has witnessed gruesome deaths, horrible unimaginable events.

He took a shaky breath before looking at taehyun who was almost inside the camp.

Taehyun was obviously feeling the same as beomgyu but he smiled at him. He gave him a warm comforting smile which immediately calmed beomgyu's heart rate.

He smiled back, his less convincing.

"next!" the guard called as taehyun stood in front of him. He took a shaky breath and nodded to beomgyu.

He stopped for a second and turned to him, his face serious now.

"I love you." He mouthed before he was ushered out of the line and into the camp.

Beomgyu's panicky feeling was back as taehyun disappeared from his sight. Now all he could do was wait.

After spending nearly two hours in line, beomgyu finally entered the camp leaving soobin and yeonjun still waiting in line.

Once they all entered the camp, the process was long and exhausting.

The building was cold, almost entirely made of concrete. It was dim and eerily quiet, men with tactical vests and guns following them, being cautious of every move they made.

They were taken into a brightly lit room where a doctor was waiting.

They had to undergo a full body exam to deem they had no bite wounds or traces of saliva on their skin or inside of them.

Once they were deemed safe, they were taken to the shower room where they showered and were given fresh clothes before taken into the main area where the survivors were.

On the way through to the area, they passed a large glass window, inside were nearly a dozen infected people, they were disfigured, bleeding from various places, their necks craning and making sickening cracking sounds. They pressed against the plexiglass growling and snarling as the survivors walked past them.

Beomgyu flinched when one of them slammed against the glass staring at him with her cloudy eyes, her stained teeth showing as blood caked her face.

He guard placed a soft hand on beomgyu's shoulder and lead him through the hallway.

He entered the large open area seeing nearly 100 people sitting on floor mats huddling together in small groups. He exhaled in relief seeing real human people.

He held his care box that they provided for him to his chest as he walked into the room scanning faces for his friends.

After a few minutes he saw soobin and yeonjun, they were sitting near the far-left side of the room, a few other teenager chatting with them.

"hyung!" he called excitedly as he ran towards them.

Soobin looked up seeing the younger rushing to him.

"jun!" soobin tapped yeonjun's thigh as he stood up, yeonjun following.

They rushed to the younger as he jumped in their arms squeezing them tight.

"oh I'm so glad to see you!" he said breathlessly as if he had been holding his breath.

"same here beom, are you okay? Everything went well?" yeonjun asked as he softly rubbed beomgyu's slightly damp hair.

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