Chapter 5: Hope

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The five boys stuck together for the next week, taking turns keeping watch at night and going out in pairs for supplies. Things were gong well until one day.

Taehyung came bursting through the door alerting the others immediately.

His eyes were wide, and he was out of breath as if he had just run a marathon. Beomgyu quickly rushed to him holding him up.

"Guys!" he shouted as he came clattering in the motel room.

"Woah! Woah babe calm down, what's going on?" beomgyu said as his arms held taehyun's shoulders.

The others quickly rushed over.

"there's- ah...there's a camp! The...survivors..." he stuttered as he tried to catch his breath.

"What? Tae calm slow down, take a breath." Yeonjun said calmly.

Taehyun took a second to catch his breath. Once he was calmed down, he looked at beomgyu and the others with a small hopeful smile.

"there's a survivor camp, they dropped a bunch of flyers from airplanes a few hours ago."

All four of the boy's eyes widened. They looked at Taehyun in disbelief and smiled.

"Wait...are you serious?" yeonjun said.

"Yeah! Look!" Taehyun said as he frantically dug a piece of paper out of his pocket. He uncrumpled it and showed it to the group.

"See? They're all over the street."

Soobin took the paper from Taehyun and smiled.

"Oh my god...oh my god we're gonna get out of here!"

"where's the camp?" kai asked.

Soobin scanned the page and his face suddenly fell.


"Daegu!? That's like three hours from here! How the hell are we gonna get to Daegu without a car?" yeonjun exclaimed.

The boys thought for a moment before Taehyun gasped.

"My dad! He has a truck in our garage! I know where the key is."

"I love this dude!" yeonjun squealed grabbing Taehyun and hugging him tightly.

"All we need to do is get to my house, it's like ten minutes away, if we stick together we can get there."

"Okay, I say we leave first thing tomorrow morning, as soon as the sun is up we go." Soobin said.

"Why can't we go now?" yeonjun whined.

"Yeonjun. Trying to navigate the city at night with a bunch of zombies roaming around? There's no way we'd all make it. it's best to go during the day."

"he's right, the zombies are way more active at night too, trying to fight them all off in the dark is nearly impossible." Taehyun said.

Yeonjun groaned flopping onto the bed.

"Fine, we'll go tomorrow." He whined making the others laugh.

That night all the boys worked together to gather up their belongings, they shoved all their necessities into Kai's bag and taehyun's duffle.

As soon as the sun rose, the boys all grabbed their things and readied their weapons. They left the room and made their way down the stairs to the lobby of the building. They peeked out the windows and saw a few of the creature hobbling around in the street.

"Okay, not too many, I say me and yeonjun take out the ones by the curb and you guys run down to that bus stop." Taehyun said as he tightened his grip on his bat.

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