Chapter 11- Escape

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The camp was absolute madness. The survivors scrambled away from the camp sprinting over to the fence where the guards rounded them up.

Eventually the gargling, growls and sickening ripping of flesh died down after an intense round of gunshots sounded from the building.

Beomgyu was still a mess just curled into soobin sobbing miserably. Soobin stroked the back of his head, intertwining his fingers with his messy locks and whispering sweet things to him.

He didn't dare say the words "it's okay." Though because this, was very far from being okay.

Yeonjun was sitting against the wobblily fence picking at blades of grass, his nails grimey and long. Soobin glanced down at him, beomgyu still securely in his arms.

"you okay?" he mouthed.

Yeonjun nodded giving him an unconvincing smile.

Soobin smiled at him, but it wasn't really a smile that exuded joy. More of a gesture to prove he was still breathing; they were still alive and at this point that's all he could ask for.

He examined yeonjun, just watching him pick at the sharp green blades, his finger brushing the soft grass delicately.

His hair had grown much longer, his roots a dark brown fading into the soft blonde locks that now hung to his cheeks.

He just watched him, the sun rise illuminating him in a warm gold light. The morning breeze sweeping his hair back revealing his stoic face.

His goofy smile was gone. His snarky remarks silenced. and questioning eyebrows lay flat on his brow bone.

His eyes were dull now, no sparkle to them before.

Soobin sighed just as beomgyu shifted, his face rising off of his shoulders leaving a patch of tears and snot. His face was red and blotchy, his eyes swollen and wet, his lips bright pink, also swollen.

His bangs were stuck to his forehead, his nose continuously running as he wiped at his face with his sleeves.

Soobin pulled back half a step and placed his hands on beomgyu's face, his slender thumbs swiping over the apples of beomgyu's cheeks, removing the lingering wetness, he did the same with his cupids bow which was coated in snot.

Beomgyu met his eyes and soobin willed himself not to turn away feeling his heart absolutely shatter in his chest.

Soobin ran his hand through beomgyu's hair, tucking a long strand behind his ear and giving him a sad smile.

"you wanna sit down for a bit beom?" he whispered sweetly keeping one hand on beomgyu's shoulder, the other on the side of his head.

Beomgyu just gave a weak nod.

Soobin wrapped his arm around beomgyu and walked him over to the grass where yeonjun was sitting.

They both sat against the fence, soobin sitting in between beomgyu and yeonjun, beomgyu firmly in his hold, his grip tight on soobin's hand.

Soobin's mom glanced at him softly giving him a proud smile before turning back to the girls. Bahiyyh was pretty shaken up by the evacuation but soobin's mom seemed to be handling it well.

It was nearly 6:30, the sun rising steadily in the almost clear sky, nothing but a few wispy clouds floating in the pale blue sky.

Soobin shifted his gaze to yeonjun beside him locking their eyes.

Yeonjun reached over and took soobin's free hand interlocking their fingers tightly and brushing his thumb over soobin's knuckles.

Soobin smiled softly before laying his head on yeonjun's shoulder, all three of them squeezed together in one mass one the soft green grass.

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