Chapter 13: The Cure

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The camp had grown over the next few days until they had a total of 245 residents. The government had deemed their location the safest place to stay until the outbreak could be contained.

The country was pretty much in shambles, all the cities destroyed, contaminated with the blood of the dead. The zombies still lurked in the corners of the nation despite the special forces being sent to kill them, it was impossible to eradicate them all in a short time.

The group stayed in the camp for a total of five months. It became their normal after awhile and while it wasn't ideal, they were together, they were safe, and they were happy, well, as happy as you can be during a zombie apocalypse.

Soobin slept with yeonjun every night, their sleeping mats pushed together, them tangled up together under the thin wool blanket. Occasionally soobin would pull beomgyu to lay with them as well when the boy had a nightmare or felt scared. He'd squeeze between soobin and yeonjun their arms wrapped tightly around him, his head against one of their chests.

The huenings spent most of their time with soobin's mother, confiding in the woman and forming a strong bond with her.

Soobin hadn't told his mother about him and yeonjun's relationship. Even if it seemed a bit silly to be afraid of coming out after what they had been through, soobin still had that nervous flutter in his stomach when he thought about telling her.

Yeonjun had noticed how weird soobin was around him when his mother was present and he could guess why but he wanted to talk to soobin about it.

One night he was waiting for soobin to come out of the shower. He stood against the wall until he saw soobin come out of the bathroom door. He gently grabbed his arm and dragged him into the hallway startling soobin.

"hey, what's up why are we hiding?" soobin chuckled.

Yeonjun smirked at him glancing down at soobin's lips. He pinned both hand flat on the wall on either side of soobin and leaned in.

"I figured you wouldn't want your mom to see this." Yeonjun whispered.

"see what?-

He was cut off by yeonjun's mouth on his, soobin's eyes fluttered closed as yeonjun kissed him passionately, his hands sliding from the wall to soobin's waist, one remaining firm on his hip while the other slowly slid up his chest and rested on the side of his neck.

Soobin melted into it, his hands roaming all over yeonjun's torso sliding under his shirt and caressing his abs and pecs.

Yeonjun chuckled against soobin's lips and pulled away for a second grabbing soobin's exploring hand gently.

"a little excited are we?"

Soobin's ears went ride and he smacked yeonjun in the chest.

"you started it!" he whined.

Yeonjun giggled before leaning in and pecking his lips once more.

"hey, are you...upset that I'm hiding us from mom?" soobin asked after a few seconds of silence.

Yeonjun smiled a soobin and kissed his nose.

"no baby, I'm not upset, of course I'm not upset bin."

Soobin had a small frown on his face indicating he didn't believe yeonjun.

Yeonjun leaned down slightly, his arms draped over soobin's shoulders.

"what's on your mind love?"

"I don't know I just...I want to tell her jun I really do I just, I'm...I'm scared."

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