Chapter 6: Loss

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"oh god..." yeonjun whispered as his eyes widened in horror.

"soobin." He said shakily.

Soobin was busy trying to cool kai down and didn't hear yeonjun.

"it'll be okay hyuka, just try to relax for me okay?" soobin cooed to the sick boy as kai trembled and whined in pain.

Yeonjun felt tears brim his eyes.

"soobin!" he yelled finally catching the taller's attention.

"what?" he said quickly.

Yeonjun was shaking, his hands coated in bright red blood.

Soobin scanned the boy and saw the blood. He looked at kai and saw the gaping wound on his abdomen, his dress shirt stained red.

" no no kai? Kai what happened? When...when did this happen?" soobin sked frantically as he gently tapped the sides of kai's face.

Kai had tears in his bloodshot eyes as he looked up at soobin.

"i...I didn't wanna worry you...hyung" he choked out breathlessly as his limbs twitched.

"ning-ning... you're going to be okay, just... just hang on, I'll get you patched up." soobin said as he scrambled to the other side of the store looking for medical supplies.

Taehyun ran over with him while yeonjun and beomgyu stayed with kai, yeonjun's hand pressed firmly to the bleeding wound.

"soobin, hyung it's no use." Taehyun said as he watched soobin grab bandages and peroxide off the shelf.

"what are you talking about?"

"hyung, that's a bite wound."

Soobin froze, the peroxide bottle falling from his arms and hitting the floor.

"he won't make it hyung...he.... he's gonna change."

" that's not true. If...if I heal it now he'll be fine." Soobin said as he rushed over to kai ignoring Taehyun.

"don't worry ning-ning, everything's gonna be fine. Hyung's gonna make you all better, Hyung's gonna fix it." Soobin bit back tears as he began wiping the blood away and pouring peroxide on the cuts.

Kai shakily reached down and grabbed soobin's hand.

Soobin looked into kai's cloudy eyes.

"no can't do anything..." kai said in a broken voice, veins popping out from his neck.

"that's nonsense kai, it's just a little cut, I can fix it, don't worry I can-


Soobin felt tears drip down his cheeks.

"hyung you can't-

He cut himself off as his body convulsed. He twitched around and forced himself up on his knees. He scooted back against the wall feeling his body burn with pain. His eyes were a cloudy gray and his skin was covered with dark purple veins, his consciousness fading.

"kai! Kai please, please let me help you.... you can't die on me!" soobin screamed as him and yeonjun rushed over to him.

They could see kai changing, they knew in a matter of seconds, kai would no longer be kai. He'd be one of those things, those horrible, violent, dangerous things.

Kai reached over to yeonjun and shakily grabbed his gun from his pants gripping it in his shaky hands.

"kai what are you doing? Put that down!" yeonjun yelled as tears dripped down his cheeks.

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