Chapter 12: Healing

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It was sun-down and soobin's mother still hadn't arrived. He was anxious and scared, unable to relax as he paced around the room gnawing on his thumbnail aggressively.

Yeonjun had gone to shower and beomgyu had went to sleep by 8 PM which left soobin to his thoughts as he stood against the wall.

Leah had noticed soobin's uncertainty and anxiety so after she got her sister settled in, she walked up to soobin with a friendly smile. She tapped him on the shoulder making him flinch but he quickly realized who she was.

"oh! Noona you scared me." He chuckled embarrassed.

She giggled.

"sorry soobin-ah. you just seem so tense over here."

"oh, do i?" he scratched the nape of his neck.

"thinking about your mom?"

He nodded.

"she'll be here by morning bin, don't stress yourself out okay?"

He exhaled and nodded.

Leah wanted to change the subject to distract soobin. She smirked for a second before turning to him.

"so, you and Yeonjun huh?"

Soobin's eyes went wide and he blinked in shock.

"oh um, what- we- um, he's, well we're-

"you're together right?"

He froze for a second.

" did you know?"

"I saw you two kissing this morning."

Soobin's cheeks went red and he avoided her eyes.

She laughed and playfully punched his shoulder.

"oh relax, I think it's great that you have each other bin, don't be afraid to love him. Life's too short to worry about what others think."

He relaxed a little and smiled softly.

"thanks noona." He smiled.

She smiled back and leaned against the wall next to him.

"hey soobin?"

He turned to face her.


"thank you for...y'know, taking care of Kai." She paused.

"for being his friend. He never stopped talking about you and yeonjun at home. You guys were his best friends."

Soobin's heart ached. He gave her a small sad smile.

"I loved kai like my own brother, me and yeonjun both did."

She smiled and closed her eyes thinking of her brother.

"he used to not wanna go to school most days. Afraid that the kids would pick on him, but when he met you guys he went every single day. He smiled so much; he was so happy to have you guys."

"Leah... I'm...I'm so sorry about kai. i...I tried to save him, but he told me it was useless. He told me there was nothing I could do and then he just...he just grabbed yeonjun's gun and-

"it's okay soobin-ah. it wasn't your fault, or yeonjun's. there was nothing either of you could do. It just really sucks; all of this really sucks."

Soobin nodded wiping his watery eyes and smiling at the older.

Just then yeonjun walked in with a towel draped around his shoulders his long hair wet and scraggly.

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