Chapter 9: Familiar Faces

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It all happened so fast but as soon as soobin saw those eyes his feet moved and he didn't stop until he collided with the person he had so desperately wanted to see.

"Mom!!!" he screamed as he crashed into her wrapping his arms tightly around the small woman as a sob ripped through his throat.

"soobin! Oh my baby! I'm so so happy you're okay!!" she sobbed as she held onto her son tight.

Soobin couldn't talk he was crying so hard. He held her tight, his shaking hands clutching her shirt as tight as possible.

The others walked up to greet the woman, yeonjun tearing up seeing her.

"oh yeonjun-ah! you're here too oh thank god! Come here!" she cried as she reached one arm out to take yeonjun into the hug as well."

Yeonjun smiled with a quivering lip and joined the hug feeling her lace her fingers through his hair.

"my boys...I'm so glad you're okay." She whispered pressing a long kiss to soobin's cheek and then yeonjun's.

" I thought....i thought they got you...i...I was so scared...i...I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls! i...I'm so so sorry..." soobin sobbed miserably.

"shhhh, shhhh, my son it's okay, I'm right here, I've got you." She cooed softly.

"I'm not angry with you soobin, everything's okay my sweet boy."

Soobin exhaled shakily finally starting to calm down.

He mom sniffled and rose up slightly to look at the two boys in front of her.

"you must have been through so much, I'm so happy you stuck together." She smiled tearfully.

She had a hand on each of their cheeks, brushing her thumb over their skin softly wiping their tears.

She glanced over and saw beomgyu and taehyun.

"and who do we have here? Friends of yours?" she smiled sweetly.

Soobin sniffled and stood upright looking at the two boys.

"oh! Right, mom this is Beomgyu and Taehyun, we found each other when we escaped."

She bowed her head with a smile.

"it's so nice to meet you both."

They bowed back smiling as well.

"you as well Mrs. choi." Beomgyu beamed his smile warming the woman's heart.

"you're all okay right? No injuries? Have you eaten?" she asked as she looked around soobin and yeonjun's bodies.

"we're okay mom, everything is fine now." He smiled taking his mother's hand into his.

As they calmed down, soobin's mother suddenly had a look of realization on her face.

"what is it?" he asked.

"isn't that The huenings?" she pointed across the room.

Soobin and yeonjun turned their heads seeing the two girls, the older one looking tired, her brown hair tied up messily, dark bags under her eyes. The younger one pacing around, her blonde hair falling softly on her shoulders, her thumbnail clamped between her teeth.

Instantly soobin and yeonjun felt their hearts break, their faces dropped and taehyun and beomgyu looked down, sad frowns on their faces.

"what is it baby?" his mother asked softly.

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