Things were going so well...NOT!

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Sakura's pov

"Naruto, what are you doing here?" Sasuke and I entered his house.

"Sorry for the intrusion, but my cousin made me drive her here." Naruto stated.

"Cousin?" Sasuke asked.

Suddenly, Sasuke was basically attacked by someone.

"Sasuke-kun! Welcome home!" Karin smiled as she hung onto Sasuke.

"Karin, you don't act like that to me...and I'm your boyfriend."

I looked over to see Suigetsu right behind them.

"I see you everyday! Sasuke-kun goes to a different school than us! So I miss him!" Karin got off of Sasuke and hugged Suigetsu.

"Wait....SO NARUTO IS YOUR COUSIN KARIN!?" I flinched.

"Sakura! Of course he is! Uzumaki Karin, Uzumaki Naruto! I thought you guys would know." Karin explained.

That makes a lot of sense actually...

This is Sasuke's childhood friends before me. Uzumaki Karin was also my childhood crush. Sadly I stopped liking her when her and Suigetsu started dating.

"How was school Sasuke?" A guy with orange hair asked.

"It was okay." Sasuke said as he couldn't stop looking at Naruto.

Jugo, he's the mother of the group. Tall, handsome, and quiet caring. He's fun to be around.

"Anyways, what are you guys doing here?" Sasuke asked.

"Well, we were going to ask you guys to follow us to the park for a picnic." Suigetsu explained. a park...NARUTO AND SASUKE FEEDING EACH OTHER!!!!

"Yes! Let's go!" I blushed.

This is the perfect chance for Sasuke and Naruto to get to know each other better! HEHE So sorry FG Club girls...but my ship is pure love!

"I'd love to...but I have a test to study for." Sasuke spoke up.


"Sakura are you okay? You look like you're about to explode." Jugo asked me
I quickly straightened up and nodded.

"Cmon Sasuke, we should go! I mean, we don't see them a lot so let's go!" I shocked sasukes shoulder.

"No Sakura, I have to study I'm sorry. Maybe next time guys." Sasuke put his foot down.

Tch! That's it! Time to pull out the big guns! 

"Sakura where are you going?" Sasuke asked as I made my way to the hall.



3rd pov

Mikoto was cooking dinner when Sakura leaned in to smell it.

"Oh, Sakura welcome are you staying for dinner?" Mikoto asked.

"No, I just came here to see my favorite second mother!" Sakura smiled.

"Heh, well I do take you as my daughter. And you do call Sasuke your brother." Mikoto laughed.

"Speaking of brother...he's being mean again!" Sakura leaned on mikoto.

"He is?"

"Yep! So Suigetsu and the others came over and asked to have a picnic with them since we don't see them so often. And brother isn't going because he has to study...I'm in the same classes as him, we don't have anything to study! And like he even cares! He always wings it!" Sakura pouted.

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