Semester Break...

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3rd pov

The second last day of school before semester break finally hit.

Sakura was walking down the hallways just before the last block of the day was about to end. She was going to meet Sasuke for dinner at his house. She suddenly was grabbed by the shoulder and turned over.

"Sakura....can we talk to you after school?" Ino asked. Sakura flinched when she saw Temari and Ino.


The two girls had emotionless faces on as they walked away from the pinkett. Sakura sighed and looked down to her clenched hand.

After school

Sakura's pov

I waited at the outside benches for them. What could they possibly want to talk about...

I fiddled around with my thumbs waiting around. I have already told Sasuke I'll meet up with him and Jūgo.


I turned around to see them. Here it goes...

"What can i help you guys with?" I hesitatantly asked.

"...We wanted to apologize for everything we did to you...not just at the club....but through the years. Sakura you had been putting up with our attitude since preschool. All we did was treat you like shit and walk all over stayed beside us this whole time....we will be graduating soon...and will most likely never see each other again. And we didn't wanna end things like this with you. You don't deserve that. For all that we are truly sorry..."

I can't believe it....Ino and Temari apologized and bowed to me. I felt the winter air heading its way. Even though it was getting cold...I felt warm.

"Thanks guys...I accept your apology. I am glad you guys did. Well....I have to go now...there's a family gathering where I have to be..."

I got up and started walking away from the girls.

"He likes Naruto for real...does he..." ino called out.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to them.


"Sasuke...he really does love him does he...I wish him the best of luck." Ino smiled and temari smirked at me. I slowly nodded to them and headed back home.

Uchiha's house

3rd pov

Sakura made it to Sasukes home and sighed.

"Wow...and here I thought he would come and pick me up..."

She opened the door and was suprised by confetti.

"Hey!!!" Karin and Suigetsu smiled with the confetti guns.

"Hello Sakura! Please come sit down." Mikoto smiled. Sakura bowed and took off her shoes. She then noticed Sasuke and a surprising guest.

"Na-Naruto!?" Sakura blushed while blond smiled and waved at her.

"Hey Sakura-chan! Long time no see." Naruto laughed.

Sakura sat down next to Jūgo and Itachi.

"Hello Sakura." Itachi greeted.

"Hello Itachi! It's been forever since I saw you. Where's dediara-kun?" Sakura asked.

"Its a secret..." itachi winked.

"Alright let's all sit down!" Karin and Mikoto smiled. Sakura noticed a lot of guests coming in. Itachi introduced a lot of them to his family.

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