Sakura's Decision

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3rd pov

"You want let you in after what happened?" Sasuke frowned.

"Sasuke please! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" Sakuta cried out.

"Why should I even consider believing you...I was just your puppet!"

"Sasuke just help me 0ut of this one and you can go back to hating and cursing me!" Sakura explained.

"...there you go again..." sasuke whispered. Sakura looked up with tears in her eyes.


"There you go again! Bargaining again! You'll never change Sakura because this is who you are! A person who can't stand on her own two feet so she has to hang onto anyone that let's her in! And if she doesn't have that person she goes insane and starts promising these wishes!" Sasuke yelled while Sakura stood there frozen.

"Sasuke I..."

"No more...goodbye Sakura."

With that Sasuke shut the door in her face. Sakura frowned and started to make her way towards the gate.

"I'm so sorry...."

The next day

Sakura sat at the lunch table with her head down. She never sat with Temari and Ino since they will ask her questions. She stared at her lunch then pushed it away from her. Suddenly the pinkett heard someone sit in front of her. She figured it would be Ino and Temari.

"Listen stop asking me questions and just leave me alone. I'll find out what 5o do....huh? HINATA!?" Sakura blushed as she looked up startled. Hinata softly smiled and waved at her.

" up?" Hinata asked.

" doing okay...not really..."

Hinata looked at her an smiled kindly.

"Wanna talk about it?" Hinata asked. Sakura blushed and nodded.

"I really messed up...I should've listened to Sasuke instead of staying in that club. I'm a fool to ever think I can control someone like that. I wished I never told him to help me out in the competition. I-" Sakura froze as she felt Hinata's hand on her shoulder.

"Its not too late to redeem yourself...I mean I have made many mistakes too....the reason I left was because someone opened my eyes to what I was doing. Did you know...Kiba already had someone..."

Sakura flinched as she shocked her head no.

"He's dating Shino...and on the trip we danced together. He then took me somewhere and talked to me. He helped me see that Kiba was already in love...that I don't need my fantasy to become real. Kiba is a real person with real emotions. I now understand that my actions have consequences...its the same with Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun." Hinata looked at Sakura who was crying.

"You okay!"

Sakura stayed there frozen before smiling and wiping her tears.

"Yes...Thank you Hinata I finally understand what I can do to help Sasuke."

Hinata smiled and nodded her head whole Sakura hugged her.

"Anytime Sakura."

Time skip

3rd pov

Sasuke walked down the halls of the school. He looked around to see everyone heading to class.

"Aren't you heading to class?"

The raven turned around to see Naruto smiling. Sasuke's scowl eased up a bit and sighed.

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