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Next day

3rd pov

As soon as the bell rang Sakura didn't hesitate to get up and leave to Naruto. Before she pulled walk out of the room, Ino grabbed her and smirked.

"Sooo Sakura...Temari here saw you with Naruto-kun yesterday...what were you talking about?" Ino asked.

"...I just bumped into him and he decided to apologize by giving me a drink." Sakura pulled Ino off of her.

"Okay then...another question...since you technically became president of this club...what are you gonna change first?" Ino asked again. Sakura didn'took at her nor showed her a fake smile.

"...I dont know....ill think about it..."

Sakura left the room with Ino and Temari uninformed.

Time skip

"Oi Neji pass over your pen would you?" Kiba looked at Neji. The brunette sighed as he passed it.

"So Naruto, what's your plans for after school?" Sai asked the blond.

" going to a little meeting with someone." Naruto stated.

"Huh? Who? New love scandal?" Shikamaru teased.

"No nothing like that. It's just conversation that I need to have." Naruto smiled.

Suddenly the school bell started to go off.

"Well me and Shikamaru are going to watch a movie anyone wanna join us? It's a scary movie!" Kiba put his hands in the air to make himself look big and scary.

"Scary movies ain't my thing...ill just go and hang with Kankuro, Rock Lee and his boyfriend Gaara....there more...well...not annoying." Neji smirked while Kiba stuck his tongue out.

"Fine your loss! Oi Sai you in?" Kiba asked.

"Hm? Oh no you see horror movies aren't scary to me at all. Since it's all fake...I just don't see the fear in it. I'll just go and hang with neji and the others." Sai smiled.

"'re creepier than scary movies...anyways Naruto you sure you don't wanna skip your meeting and come with us?" Kiba asked.

"No I promised them...anyways cya." Naruto waved at them.

"Shikamaru...why doesn't nobody like to hang with us..." kiba pouted.

"...well one we are the only ones who like scary movies...two I'm one of the only people your boyfriend allows you to be around without getting jealous. Three I guess nobody likes to be around the smart and dumb duo." Shikamaru explained.

"Yeah! Bestfriends!....wait a minute...what do you mean by tge smart and dumb duo!?" Kiba snapped. Shikamaru only smirked and got up.

"I mean that I'm the smart friend and your the dumb friend. Be grateful I even have energy to go with this movie with you."

" starting to have second thoughts..."



Sakura sat down at the exact same spot where she met Naruto last time. She bought some drinks on the way here as well.

"Yo! Sorry I was kinda late, Kiba won't stop blabbering about movies."

"Its bought you a drink." Sakura handed the beverage.

Naruto smiled as he grabbed the drink.

" was I going to talk about?" Naruto asked.

"...the rest of the story..." Sakura said.

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