Hinata confronted

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Sakura's pov

No...it can't be....them....kissing! No! I was at the wrong angle....yeah it must've been that.

"Oi Sakura...can you grab my towel over there." Sasuke pointed to the towel next to me. I sighed as I handed him the towel. He got out of the hot tub and started walking towards the change rooms.

"Hey Sasuke wait!" I got out as well.

"Hn?" Sasuke looked at me.

"Um...can we go shopping after this..."

"Sure I guess...got nothing else better to do. Don't take forever though."

Shit...I was going to ask him about earlier....but I made a promise to him...I can't.

Time skip

3rd pov

Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto made it to the shops around the mall. Sakura pretended to be happy but instead was observing their behavior. She invited Naruto to hang with them since he was bored.

"Wow this place is sure huge...." Naruto looked around while Sasuke sighed.

"Too many people....hurry thus up I'm hungry. I at least want to go to that dinner tonight." Sasuke explained whole the pinkett nodded.

"I'll just check this store! You two stay!" Sakura blushed.

The two boys were confused by her blushing. They then got it when they looked inside the store. The two boys turned around and nodded.

"G-go on!" Sasuke blushed while Naruto closed his eyes. Sakura sighed as she walked into the underwear store.


Hinata walked around the hotel, exploring the halls. She tried to take her mind off of the strange encounter with Shino she had earlier. Suddenly she then bumped into someone.

"Woah hey! You okay?"

"Y-yeah...im..." hinata looked up to see Kiba. She blushed as she stood up fast.


"Yeah that's my name...um....your blocking the elevator." Kiba pointed. Hinata jumped as she slowly moved put of the way. Before Kiba can press the button Hinata built her courage up.



"D-do...do....what do you think of Naruto-kun?"

Kiba looked at her and thought about it.

"Lets see...he's amazing actually...talented, funny, athletic, handsome, pain in the ass....yeah. why do you ask?"

Hinata blushed as she looked down.

"Would you ever date someone like him?"

Kiba was caught off gaurd by the question. He sighed and pressed the button.

"To be honest he's not my ideal type...but...I guess his personality makes me wanna sometimes look into that kind of type..." kiba smirked as he stepped into the elevator. Hinata stood there as the doors closed.

"I see..." hinata whispered.

Later that night

Sakura and the boys finally arrived back. The pinkett looked bummed out while the other two were looking at their new clothes for the dinner.

"They didn't even look at each other...." Sakura huffed to herself.

"Sakura you're back!" Ino smiled as she already had her outfit for tonight on.

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