School trip of romance

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Day of the trip

"Eeeeee!!!! I can't wait to get to the hotel!" Ten Ten exclaimed as she pointed on the panel. Ino smiled as she sat next to her on the bus.

"Calm down you two, we still have to wait for a few more students before we go anywhere." Kakashi  around with his attendance sheet.

"Right, Sasuke and Sakura are still not here. She was so excited to go too! Why is she late?" Temari turned to hinata who shook her head.

Suddenly the bus doors opened to reveal the raven and pinkett.

"Sorry we're so late Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura bowed while Sasuke rolled his eyes. Kakashi sighed and checked their names on the attendance list.

"All good miss Haruno just go and find a seat for now.

Sakura smiled and nodded to her teacher. She looked around to find no free spots for her and Sasuke.

"Um...Sasuke there's no spot for us..." Sakura turned towards her brother.

"Ugh, this is all pointless...I don't see the reason that I had to attend. Shit..." Sasuke looked around and stopped to see Naruto waving at them. The raven slightly blushed at him before grabbing Sakura's hand and walking over.

"Yo! You guys need a spot?" Naruto smiled.

"But there are two of us idiot." Sasuke scoffed. The girls all shifted their heads at Sasuke with annoyance.

"All good...Teme." Naruto smirked as he stood up.

"Sakura can just sit in the middle of us since she's smaller." Naruto explained. All the girls gasp while Sakura stuck out her tongue in victory. Sasuke sighed and let Sakura sit first. The pinkett smiled the whole way to the hotel.


"Woahhhh!!!" The class was in awe

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"Woahhhh!!!" The class was in awe. Sakura was clapping her hands in excitement while Sasuke rolled his eyes. Naruto smirked at Sasuke who grabbed him and made their way over.


"Alright so ill announce the groups of three for today." Kakashi sighed while his assistants Iruka and Yamato had the keys. This was a perfect chance for the girls to see who Naruto gets close with.

"Alright let's see...Choji Rock Lee and guys are room 436. Neji Kiba and Shikamaru you guys are room  420."

"Hehe 420..." kiba laughed like an idiot while Shikamaru sighed.

"Temari Hinata and Ten 438. Sakura ino and 431. Naruto Sai and Sasuke room 432. Gaara Karnkuro and one of the supervisors Yamato room 430. And me and Iruka will say on the top floor which will be 724 room." Kakashi smirked while the while class froze. Yamato shook his head in sadness.

"Why do they get the top floor!" Ino whined.

"They probably want full privacy." Sakura blushed.

Iruka sighed and hit Kakashi in the shoulder.

"I want you guys on your best behavior. Don't worry there will be more supervisors arriving so Mr.Yamato won't be alone. Kakashi and I will be the ones to plan the dinners and bookings. That's why we need full privacy." Iruka explained.

"Hehe sure Iruka-kun...anyways everyone go to your assigned rooms and unpack. At 8:00 there will be a fancy dinner happening so I will encourage all of you to attend. For now go swimming, have a nap, rock climbing. If you guys plan on leaving the hotel for shopping please get one of us to go with you or consent. Okay that is all!" Kakashi finished.

Sakura looked towards Sasuke walking to the elevator and sighed.

"Great...He's just going to stay in his room." Sakura said to herself.

"Ohhh Sakura!!! Looks like your contestant is leaving to his room. Just quit your already losing the game." Ino smirked as she pointed towards Naruto and Sai.

"Here Naruto let me carry that for you." Sai grabbed Narutos bag with a soft smile.

"Thanks Sai." Naruto blushed with a smile. Sakura clicked her tongue and before she could say something she remembered.

"Thank you for everything Sakura...but you don't need to worry about my love life, nor Naruto's. Just promise me that you won't bud in with your club? It's okay to have fantasies...but just remember I'm a person with feelings too Sakura. Shipping me with Naruto isn't going to make us be together...that'll happen if we work out. So please just promise me that?"

Sakura sighed and stood up straight.

"Maybe losing isn't so bad..." Sakura said mostly to herself than ino. Ino looked at her confused before she watched the pinkett leave to her room.

Time skip

"Ah....this is nice." Ten Ten sighed as she felt the bubbles from the hot tub.

"Mhm..." ino agreed.

Hinata smiled at her friends before relaxing herself. The shy girl then turned her head to see Naruto and Kiba.

"Um...i-ill be back!" Hinata blushed.

The girls looked at her confused before shrugging it off. Hinata grabbed her towel and phone. She crept behind some surf boards to take a picture. She hesitantly capture a picture. She took a deep breath before turning around. The girl then screamed before falling down.

"You should be more careful..."

Hinata looked up to see shino was the one to scare her.

"Shino-kun..." hinata grabbed his hand for support. As she got up shino left her without no word. Hinata watched him as he left.

"Sheesh what a weirdo..." ino and temari walked up to hinata.

"Yeah...a weirdo..." hinata mumbled.

"Cmon lets go back to the hot tub." Temari smiled.


Sakura sighed as she watched her friends talk about their ships. She wanted to join in and tell them everything however she didn't.

"'re lucky that I love you..." Sakura frowned. Suddenly she saw Naruto with Sasuke walking towards the bathrooms. She gasped and got out of the hot tub.

She followed to see what they were up to. She got even more curious to see them pass the bathrooms.

"Sasuke...what are you doing with Naruto?" Sakura said to herself.

Finally she made it to the end with them. The two were talking but it was too hard for Sakura to hear. She hid behind plant and watched them. Suddenly the two got closer.

Sakura's eyes went big...when she saw her brother kissing Naruto.


Sakura Haruno here!

Sasunaru daily log: I think...I saw them kiss...

Fun fact about my best friend: Sasuke is very awkward when it comes to romance!

Okay thats all!

Sakura signing off♡

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