Sasuke and Naruto's night

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3rd pov

Naruto parked and locked his bike before helping Sakura off. They both headed towards a picnic table by the lake. The two sat awkwardly for a second before Naruto reached into his bag.

"Here pick one..."

Sakura looked to see a strawberry milk and a banana one.

"Um....the banana please and thanks." Sakura blushed.

The two opened their milks and sighed.

" did you know?" Sakura asked. Naruto sighed as shook his head around.

"Lets see...well this was a week ago Sasuke and I got pretty close actually. We've been texting each other and decided to finally have a guys night.


A week ago


Sasuke Uchiha🍅: hey so like when r u coming over???

Naruto Uzumaki🍜🍥: I'll be there in 5 minutes ヾ(・ω・*)ノ

Sasuke Uchiha🍅: okay...

*knock knock*

"Welcome." Sasuke opened the door.

"Thanks for having me over!" Naruto smiled as he took his shoes off.

"Honey, who's that?" Mikoto asked as she walking blushed.

"Oh my! Naruto is it?" Mikoto smiled.

"Hello Mrs.Uchiha! I'm happy to be staying here." Naruto smiled which made mikoto smile. Fugaku turned to him and give him a sharp look.

"Is there something wrong dad?" Sasuke turned to Fugaku.

"Hn...leave the door 20 cm open..."


"HONEY!? I-I'm sure Naruto-kun is just here for a guys night! Itachi will be in there too!" Mikoto blushed while fugaku sighed and switched channels on the TV. Naruto looked at Sasuke for answers but was just pulled into Sasuke's room.

"What was that all about?" Naruto asked.

"Uh! brother is...he's gay and um...they are just skeptical of me." Sasuke blushed while looking at the floor with an annoyed face.

"Oh I see...they think I might be something more than a friend haha." Naruto laughed as he sat down on Sasukes gaming chair.

"Sorry about that...not to worry though, my brother will join us later. So uh...wanna play some video games?" Sasuke pointed.

The two ended up have a blast. Itachi came in with deidara later on with bunch of snacks.

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