Apologies and Forgiveness

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3rd pov

Nobody from the club had heard from Sakura. She only hanged out with Ten Ten and Hinata for the most time. Meanwhile Sasuke mostly skipped school and did his work at home. Ino and temari sort of disappeared ever since Sakura disbanded the club.

And Lastly Naruto was worried everytime he passed Sakura or spotted Sasuke outside of school.


"Thats it for today...for homework tonight read chapters 296 to 300." Kurenai closed her laptop.

"Yo Naruto! Wanna hangout tonight? You know do some skateboarding." Kiba smiled. Naruto smiled back but shifted his head to see Sasuke at the door.

"Well you in? I got Shikamaru, Sai and choji to come as well."

"Hmm...ill catch up later...I have to talk to someone." Naruto stated. Kiba nodded and waved the others to the doors.

Naruto gathered all of his stuff and walked towards Sasuke.

"Hey..." Naruto smiled.

"Hey...you got my homework?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah I do...also the marked pages to read." Naruto explained.

"Thanks...I'll give you a ride home..." sasuke offered.

"Okay thanks."


The two got in and drove away from the school.

"Can you take me over there." Naruto pointed at a parking lot by the convenience store. Sasuke looked at him confused but shrugged it off.

"Oi what are you doing with my radio?" Sasuke asked while Naruto played with it.

"Just gonna put some tunes on...and talk to you about something." Naruto laued back onto his seat.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked.

"...When are you going to talk to Sakura?" Naruto asked.

"...how is that any of your business?" Sasuked lowered his voice.

"None of it is...but I can tell you are skipping school because of it. It's almost semester break...it will be winter soon."

"Naruto stop...ill just take you home now." Sasuke started the car.

"Sasuke!...she disbanded the club for you."

Sasuke flinched and turned towards Naruto.

"She quit Sasuke...she wants to apologize to you for everything she did. You need to talk to her and clear things up."

"...what if I don't want to." Sasuke mumbled.

"...Then...Then you just lose your sister. Remember that."

Sasuke looked down and closed his eyes to take a deep breath. The raven then heard the car door open and shut.

"Naruto get back in! I'm sorry ill drive you home." Sasuke rolled down the window.

Naruto smiled and slowly shooked his head.

"Im not the one you should be apologizing to. I'll get off here...im going skateboarding with friends. Kiba has my bored so...think about it for now...later."

Sasuke rolled back up the window and sat in his car for a moment.

"Disbanded huh..."


"Thank you for everything Sakura...but you don't need to worry about my love life, nor Naruto's. Just promise me that you won't bud in with your club? It's okay to have fantasies...but just remember I'm a person with feelings too Sakura. Shipping me with Naruto isn't going to make us be together...that'll happen if we work out. So please just promise me that?"

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