Zin Hindrex - Main Character (Orc)
Harun Hindrex - Zins 'Father' (Human)
Addison Sweet - Zins crush
Eldon Jeanes - Zins friend
Ashton Williams - Zins best friend
Samuel Apple - Zins nemesis
Paris Count - Old Lady at the diner
Callan Courtney - younger army man
Tanner Jewel - legion leader
Edward Sage - Older Army caretaker
Rufus Weaver - Army Guy (Tent)
Harry Parthons - Other legion leader
Libsy Fines - Orc Mother
Lorgan Zikser - Friend Of Orc Mother
Klogin Clumbs - Orc King Guard
King Poito - Orc King
The Orc With A Heart
Fantasystory is featured in middle earth, many thousands of years ago, at a time where there was Orcs, goblins, dwarves, elves, humans, and dragons. This particular case, is simply between a war that raged on with orcs and humans, that seemed to have laste...