Chapter Twenty

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Raven's P.O.V
I was dressed in full black, my usual leotard and cloak where gone. Instead I wore a full on black leather outfit but I felt very lost and exposed without my cloak. I stared at my reflection in the mirror knowing exactly what I had to do. The people I trusted the most had betrayed me and I was going to return the favor. BeastBoy was going to pay for breaking my heart just like Malchoir did. It surprises me that trust Malchoir more than BeastBoy, when Malchoir was the one who broke me first.

Shaking the thoughts of doubt from my head I focused on what I was going to do again. I was going to lure the Titans and Terra out of their little tower. As I checked myself once more I finally walked back to the room I was locked in before. Malchoir had not returned yet from the 'disturbance' he said he was checking. So I took my time and looked around even though there was nothing interesting. So I instead focused on meditating for a little while.

"Azarth Metrion Zinthos" I muttered as I was lifted off the ground in a lotus position. "Azarth Metrion Zinthos." I muttered again and felt my body relax as I was taken into my mind. I landed in the barren walk way to see all my emotions gathered. When knowledge saw me she gave me a scowl and walked over to where I was standing.

"Raven have you even thought of the possibility that Malchoir could be lying to you, he's already lied to you once and you know the Titans would never betray you." I was about to reply when Anger jumped into the conversation. "We should destroy Malchoir, the Titans, and that little traitor we don't need any of them." She shouted. "I can't believe they would betray us I thought we were their friends." Timid said quietly by her raspy voice you could tell she had been crying. I didn't know what to say to my emotions, Knowledge might be right. I know the Titans would never betray me and Malchoir could be lying. My head was starting to pound as my emotions began to fight about who was right. Either Malchoir or the Titans.

I couldn't take this much stress, "SHUT IT!" I yelled and my emotions all fell silent. "Okay I am going to go back and you all need to stop fighting. For right now I am just going to pretend that I trust Malchoir so he doesn't do anything to the Titans." This made Knowledge smile. I gave her a glare, "But I don't know if I can trust them right now either." With that said I left my mind and woke up on the ground in lotus position.

Malchoir had come back into the room while I was still in my mind. I still didn't trust him completely but when he flashed me a smile I faked a smile back. "So sweet Raven are you ready to go?" He asked as I stood up. "Yes I'm ready."

Okay so this took me forever to update and I'm so so so so so so sorry. I really was thinking of updating sooner but I've been battling a few demons lately and I couldn't bring myself to write this. Well I know this is not the best but I hope you at least a little bit enjoy it. Please no hateful comments on this chapter I know it's not the best but I haven't written anything for this story in about a month. Well hope you all have a good day please vote, comment, and enjoy!!

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