Chapter twenty two

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Still Beast Boy's P.O.V

I was overcome by joy finally Raven was back and she was here at the tower. I began to do the happy dance when I finally took in the look Robin had on his face. "Wait Robin what's wrong what is Raven doing?" I asked but he was too shocked to answer. I got my answer when the wall blew up and we were all blown back.

I climbed out of the rubble and saw Raven, my Raven standing there with Malchoir. An evil smile on her face as she glared at each and everyone of us. I was so confused Raven should be running away from Malchoir not helping him. What is going on?

Terra's P.O.V

I felt the tower shake as Raven and Malchoir busted out a wall. I didn't want to interfere just yet might as well let their shock sink in first. Raven is working with the bad guy, yeah what a surprise there. I slowly and swiftly took a rock down to the opening and slipped in unnoticed. The fight must've been rough because the whole main ops room was almost in shreds

I felt so bad for letting it get this far even though I've done this countless times. I've gone behind their backs to get something I wanted, but this time I felt guilty. Guilty for turning another one of their friends against them. Although it stung knowing BeastBoy loved that witch I couldn't help but let him go. He deserves to be happy and deserves better than a traitor like me. Even if she is a witch.

I suddenly heard a scream pierce through the tower. Then all following was silence. I flew as fast as I could down the hallways to where I think I heard the scream. When I burst through the door what I saw scared me to death.

Raven's P.O.V

I finally had them cornered I chased the other titans down the many hallways of the tower. They had finally recovered from their temporary shock but I could see the faint hurt in their eyes. I was confused why should they be upset? They were the ones who threw me out to get that traitor, or was this all a set up?? I finally began to take in the situation as I stopped in the middle of the hallway I was following the titans down. Why would they be hurt if they were the ones who got rid of me and the whole time during the fight Terra never came. Is it possible that I was wrong, Malchoir is lying to me.

I knew it Azar I knew it, I should've seen the signs that he was lying to me after all he was the one who betrayed me first. I stopped chasing them and went to my room and locked the door. Although I knew this is probably the first place they would look for me, I just needed a few minutes alone so I could let this sink in. I was lied to again I was used again, once again. I can't believe I could be so stupid.

Someone all of a sudden knocked on the door I almost screamed in surprise but quickly covered my mouth muting the sound. I didn't know if it was Malchoir or one of the titans in my opinion I choose neither. Although this time luck was not on my side. Malchoir came through the door clearly pissed that I was hiding in my room.

"Rave why are you in here, this was not part of the plan we are supposed to be destroying the titans." He was mad and had a scowl on his face that seemed to never go away. I've never seen this side of him. "I know you are lying to me, they never betrayed me did they YOU LIED TO ME!!" I yelled as I stepped back away from him. His scowl disappeared into an evil smirk within seconds. "Oh Raven why do you have to be so dumb, I've used you twice and yet you still haven't learned." He raised his hands that were glowing white. "Now Raven it's time to shut you up for good."

Terra's P.O.V

The scream came from Raven's room I quickly flew down to her room as I ripped the door off I saw Malchoir standing over a motionless Raven. I lifted my hands as a yellow glow surrounded them I sent a huge pile of rocks at Malchoir's back surprisingly knocking him out. (Imagine Terra pressing the staples button at this moment, that was easy) I walked past Malchoir to where Raven was laying but before I could see if she was okay everything went black.


Yay two updates in one day that has got to be my record of updating :) So I know this chapter may seem sucky too but I just got out of writers block and I just keep getting ideas for this story. well sad to say but it is almost over :( I'm sorry to all of my fans for this story but I promise to end with a happy ending. Well the usual please vote, comment, enjoy, and above all don't trust me with scissors. Okay so I may have said that one before but I've gotten way worse with scissors. So that is your daily dose of random Jordan for the day, hope you all have a good day/night. bye see you next time.


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