Cute Future Scene: Magic

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Little cute stories for you. It's raining her and I decided to share a little something I thought of. Let me know what you think.

Anne and Gilbert Bluthe sat at the hearth of an old tree. It's branches gave them shade from the warm summer day. The redhead sat against the tree, a book clutched in her hand, the other tangled in a messy mop of warm soil coloured hair.  Gilbert had stopped reading his book, moments ago to stare up.

"Do you still belive in magic?" His voice caught onto the stagnant wind, catching Anne in the middle of a sentence, her hand stopped moving as she lowered the book and glanced over. Strays of lose hair had fallen over her face, creating a crown.

She smiled, her chest heaving in a soft breathless laugh. "Why are you asking this?" Her voice came out stronger than his had. She waited patiently for his random question to settle around them.

"Well do you?" He asked, pushing himself to sit up and look her in the face. "Anne?" His smile crept over his rosy cheeks. She couldn't help but smile too.

"Well, we aren't children anymore. But how could I not" she added tiling her face, her book long forgotten beside them.  Magic was all around them. Their very existence was magic. Gilbert was magic.

"What do you mean?" He asked. His heart wanted to scream that he saw it too. Being with her, made him belive that the magic that she sprouted and blossomed on as kids, was real. He knew it to be true.

Anne leaned forward and pressed a kiss on his smiling lips. "That's what I mean" she whsipered pulling away. It was a soft kiss, and if he hadn't being paying attention he probably wouldn't have realised what had happened. They both found themselves smiling like kids.

"We aren't kids anymore Anne" he breathed, pushing forward. His eyes meeting her lips. "And that was not a kiss" he smiled moving forward. He kissed her hard and properly. Imprinting the memory of the moment to them. Neither found themselves laughing anymore.

"Thank goodness, we aren't children anymore Blythe.  Or I might have hit you on the head with a slate" she laughed leaning back on the tree. The bright light flickered through the leaves,  landing in a symphony on his cotton clad sholders.

"And now that we are not children Mrs Blythe, what might you have done?" He asked watching her blend into the tree. She had never looked more at home than when she was in nature.

"I might send you off to bed without supper" she joked, knowing full well what answer he was looking for. She too was too stubborn to give into.

His eyebrow raised. Try again.

"Or maybe, I might.." she paused with a soft smile. There would be all number of things they might have done. Each of the memories flooded her mind, and filled her heart with happiness.

Anne stood, clipping the sheets up to dry. It was one of those mundane tasks that gave her mind a moment to clear and collect itself. As if her mind was a little re treasure trove that was in need of tidying up. Deep in thought, she was brought back to the world when tight arms wrapped themselves around her waist. If it hadn't been for the flash of dark curls that emerged in the corner of her eye, as Gilbert pressed a kiss on her sholder, she might have screamed.

"I was looking everywhere for you" he whsipered before pressing a soft kiss again. She smelt like a sweet summers day. He felt her turn in his arms and wrap her arms around his neck.

"I am happy to see you too" she whsipered into his chest. His wrapped around her sholders and she felt safe tucked away in his arms.

"You might?" He asked bring her back.  Anne laughed again before shaking her head.

"I might not have hit you on the head. But I will say, I am prefrencial to Mrs Blythe than carrots" they weren't children anymore that was for certain.

"I think I deserved it" he added leaning back now.

"And you deserve magic too" she smiled bringing their conversation back.

"Who said I don't have it?" he asked, catching Anne's curiosity.

"What's your magic?" She asked. The lake of shinning waters and whispering trees were childlike imaginings. Pure magic was happiness.

"You are" he stated as if, she were stupid. The statement caught her of guard. There was not many times that Gilbert Blythe had been successful at rendering Anne speachless, but it seemed that this time he had.

"Do not jest" she stated flat, crossing her arms. She didn't find herself in the mood to be playful anymore.

"I am telling the truth. You are magic to me. Each day I remember that you are my life, it is magic." His hands were up, as if proving it to her. Before Anne could process the words, rain started to pour down. A thick curtain of summer rain.

In a blink they picked up their books and scurried over the grass and mud into their home. Their breaths labouring to catch their breath. "Magic" he breathed before stepping forward to catch her parted lips in another kiss. Anne's fingers wrapped themselves in his wet hair and shirt. Her brain going dizzy.

"Magic it is" she laughed before kissing him again.

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