Season 4 Episode 3: Telegram and Tea (Part 2)

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"Fine, fine you caught me out. I have come with ulterior motives, but honestly, I wanted to ask you something that didn't seem right to ask in a letter" he added, he was nervous as Anne observed him scratch the back of his neck.

"Yes?" Anne asked feeling anxious about what he wanted to say, had he found someone else in Toronto? Anne couldn't help but not feel like enough to be Gilberts Anne. He lived such an accomplished life and had far to go, and yet even sitting in a beautiful gown – puffy sleeves included, she was still an orphaned girl that got lucky with Mathew and Marilla. If he were to reject her now, Anne knew that she would have plummeted into the depths of despair, dark and painful.

"I was wondering if you would agree if I could court you, you know officially?" he spewed out nervously.

Anne let out a shaky laugh "Of course, oh Gilbert I thought you would say something else" Anne added relived.

"That's also why I would like to visit Avonlea, I want to ask Mathew and Marilla for permission" he added feeling relived.

Anne's eyes glossed over at the mention of her family, that was so thoughtful of him "Thank you" she smiled.

"What did you think I was going to ask?" Gilbert asked leaning back in his chair. She looked relieved at his question that she must have thought the worst.

"I thought you had met someone else" Anne added quickly "Thank the lord that you haven't" Anne added to herself. Gilbert laughed, that was his Anne. He hated how lowly she thought of herself. She was magnificent and beautiful especially sitting Infront of him.

"Anne you are phenomenal, and beautiful and smart and kind" he added reaching his hand across the table to hold hers. No one had ever told her that, and she couldn't believe it. Marilla didn't believe in complementing and well before Green Gables was a nightmare.

"So are you Gilbert, especially on the kind and smart part." She smiled back giving his hand a squeeze. "I have a question of my own" she added remembering what she had always wanted to ask him in the letters. "When did you know?... you know that you liked me?" she asked, her eyes frowning as she paused to find the right words.

Gilbert wasn't expecting the question but knew exactly what he wanted to say "when you hit me on the head with that slate" he laughed "then I was sure when I got your letter on the steamer" he smiled fondly remembering the scene of him and Bash in their crowded dark room.

"I knew after you left when you asked me. But I think I knew before too, but because Ruby liked you so much I had to push it back" she said like it was something new, but this was news to Gilbert, he didn't think anyone liked him. The thought never crossed his mind as all he ever thought about was Anne.

"Ruby liked me?" he asked shocked. Anne sent him an are you serious look before rolling her eyes "I guess that makes sense I guess" he laughed back. It was almost supper time and Gilbert needed to take Anne home and figure out a place to stay. He thought about staying in the Bog were Mary's friends lived but didn't want to inconvenience them since he knew they worked so hard, then considered Doctor --. Yes, that seemed like the best idea.

"Where are you staying?" Anne asked as they walked into the cool evening air.

"I think I might go to the doctor's house?" he answered as if replying.

"I can ask Aunty Jo if you like I was invited to dinner at her house, would you like to join? Aunt Jo has actually been looking forward to meeting you, apparently, I have painted a lovely picture of you in her head" Anne giggled.

"Sure if you like" he kissed the top of her head making Anne lean in more. "Let's go pick up my bag then?" he asked. Anne nodded knowing that Aunt Jo would send a carriage to fetch herself and Diana for supper.

Anne crept into the house first checking for the matron, she was sitting in the living room so there would be no way for Gilbert to sneak in, and sneak out successfully. Anne went to fetch Diana and Gilbert's suitcase. "Oh Anne, I thought I would have to go to Aunt Jo's on my own, where is Gilbert?" Diana asked as Anne walked into their room.

"I invited Gilbert to Aunt Jo's. I came to say that the carriage is already outside and to get this" she picked up the suitcase and walked down with Diana smiling. Diana was relieved that their outing had gone so well. They met Gilbert outside who quickly took his suitcase and Annes hand. The carriage ride was filled with laughter as Diana expressed to Gilbert how secretive Anne was about her letters.

Aunt Jo was all too happy to meet and have Gilbert for the night, Anne was happy to see the old woman and her friend Cole who seemed to have grown even taller than before. "Good to see you Gilbert, Anne has not stopped talking about you, I feel like you never left" Cole teased.

"So I am told" Gilbert's eyes shone as he met Anne's eye across the room. Truthfully, he had been nervous to meet Aunt Jo, Anne had mentioned her in their letters so meet the woman made him nervous. But now he couldn't understand why the woman was full of life and was too kind to them. The evening went quickly and before long the girls had to return home before curfew. Walking them to the door Gilbert pressed a kiss on her forehead. "I go to Avonlea tomorrow morning and leave for Toronto Sunday night" he sighed sadly.

"I'll come to Avonlea, Thursday night then as I have Friday free" Anne answered quickly "You will have to try harder to get rid of me Mr Blythe" she quickly pressed a kiss on his lips leaving him speechless then skipped off to the carriage where Diana sat waiting. "Diana, he asked to court me, officially he is going to talk to Marilla and Mathew" Anne giggled as the house left their view.

"That's wonderful Anne" Diana giggled. "What are you going to do when you graduate then?" she asked. Diana still planned on starting a family, her parents had found prospective suitors in Charlottown and she had met with them a few times. She was happy that Anne could have her happily ever after like the protagonists for her books.

Anne giggled and let it go. 

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