Season 4 Episode 6: A very serious emergency

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Anne, Gilbert, Diana, Josie boarded the train Sunday morning, but this time Anne was not as heartbroken to leave. They had to get the first train so that Gilbert would have enough time to get to Toronto by the end of the day. "In the next weekend, I want to visit you in Toronto" Anne whispered as they watched the trespass by.

"I would love that" Gilbert smiled. "I think my friends would love to finally meet you" he added nodding to himself, he had talked about Anne so much they had begun to tease him about her. So, he couldn't wait. "You will still write to me often won't you?" he asked again.

"Of course!" Anne laughed before smiling at her friends who were trying to give the couple some privacy despite sitting together. "And so will you, I hope" Anne added. And like all good things, Anne stood at the train station waving Gilbert's boat goodbye. When it floated out of the port Anne looked sadly at her finger before turning to go back home, welcoming the familiar feeling of longing – so she did what she usually did when alone, Anne wrote.

My dear Gilbert,

I just watched your boat sail away and was again reminded that we must attend to our own things on what feels like another side of the planet. Writing to you again makes me remember the very first letter I wrote to you about the gold. Even then, I must confess that I wrote and tried to write that letter at least 10 times before I got to the one you got. At that time, I had no idea where you were or what you were doing. And now I am reminded despite knowing where you are – Toronto to be exact. I don't know where you are, I don't know what you are doing and then I am reminded that whatever it is, it is without me.

I have therefore decided that we should get married as soon as we can so that we can no longer have to waste the time we do have together at opposite sides of Avonlea. Regardless of my missing you immensely, promise me to study hard and make this time apart worth it. I am sitting here staring at your mother's ring and am wishing that I had given you something to remember me by. So attached to this letter I have left you a lock of my hair since you like it so – this is until I can find you something more suitable.

The girls here have just learnt of our engagement and have not stopped talking to me about arrangements. So apparently, we have lots to discuss in these letters. When I close my eyes I imagine us getting married outside with beautiful trees, leaves and flowers around us... What are your thoughts to that Gilbert?

Your Anne

Anne put down her fountain pen and placed the letter in the basket by the door. There was nothing more to do but to wait.

Dear Anne,

Thank you for your letter and the hair, I have found an old metal matchbox to keep it safe always. Since you are confessing, I feel I must add something too.

I still have that letter. And all your other letters.

I have been doing well in classes but unfortunately have my own exam weeks ahead.

I am happy with whatever wedding arrangements you have in mind and cannot wait to talk about them further when I return for Christmas.

Yours Always, G

Anne frowned at the letter. It wasn't that she didn't love all that he wrote but she was just shocked at the briefness of it. Anne continued writing letters but soon after many mornings of disappointment she couldn't help but feel rejected. "Nothing again Anne?" Diana asked sadly.

Anne shook her head not saying a word. She could feel a sick feeling at the bottom of her stomach, so she had sent word to Bash asking if Gilbert had contacted him, but Bash didn't have anything to report "something must be wrong Dianna, Gilbert, he wouldn't do this would he?" Anne was anguished.

"No Anne, he wouldn't. What are you going to do?" Diana asked bringing the upset girl into a hug. Anne's eye met her purse of coins and she realised that the only thing she could do was to visit Gilbert herself.

"I need to go to Toronto Diana, I need to find out what is wrong. Something has to be wrong" Anne sighed pulling out a piece of paper. She had to write a note to the school to explain her absence "Diana please send a telegram to Green Gables as soon as you can." She added before handing Diana the note and pulling out her small case. Anne packed for a few days and closed the case. She knew she wouldn't get any sleep tonight so she sat in their bed staring out the window until first light, she decided to make her leave to make the first boat.

The travel was long, Anne had never travelled so far before, and when she finally got to Toronto she didn't have the energy to be delighted about its splendour, she made her way to the University and inquired at the boarding house about Gilbert.

"Excuse me, sir, I am sure you have rules against visits at this hour, but I am just very worried about my fiancé Gilbert Blythe and I have travelled all the way here from Charlottetown to make sure he is okay" she explained, she could see that the old man was not pleased with her, but at the mention of his name the man looked shocked.

"Miss, Mr Blythe is sick in his room. Scarlet Fever" he added "It is very contagious miss" he added quickly

"Where is he sir, I need to be with him" Anne pulled her hat off her head and looked around the room for clues. She saw mailboxes and searched for his name.

"Room 37 miss, upstairs, down the hall to the right" he explained, picking up her things she rushed up and found the room. She didn't even process what she was looking at until a moment. Gilbert lay in his bed, he looked pale and frail and had beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Gilbert" Anne breathed rushing to the side, she placed her hand on his forehead which was scorching hot. She found a cloth and Gilberts washbasin and started cooling his forehead. She had discarded her formal attire hours before and they lay in a pile on his desk and chair. He had not made any change in the night on reawakening however Anne could feel that his fever was going down. Defeated she rearranged her things and brought the chair to his bedside to sit and wait.

Anne awoke to talking and found an elderly gentleman and younger gentleman talking, they appeared to be doctors. Standing up quickly she greeted them "Hello, I am Anne".

"Ahh, outpatient has mentioned you in his hallucinations, his fever broke thanks to your attendance, and I predict that if he continues getting better by today I see a recovery, otherwise I fear his body will not have the strength to continue" the doctor explained.

"What can I do?" Anne asked quickly.

"Well try to feed him some warmed milk to help him gain strength Miss Anne and keep his temperature down" he added before leaving. There was a knock on the door and Anne recognised the man from the night before.

Thank you for reading, please support me by liking this chapter! Hope you have an amazing day!

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