Season 4 Episode 4: Fellings from the bottom of my heart

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Thursday couldn't come soon enough. Diana decided to join her, and so did Josie Pye who both missed their families. The ride to Avonlea was quick and they had sent a telegraph to Diana's parents who organised for a Carriage to meet them at the station. Marilla and Mathew didn't know that they would be coming so Anne looked forward to supprising them, she had picked up a tea set of Marilla, she had found it in the pawnshop and knew that after she had broken most of Marilla's set, she would be needing a new set. Despite the flower decorations, they were quite sensible which Anne knew; Marilla would appreciate. The set was heavy so having a carriage at the other side was apricated.

Anne knocked at the door and saw Marilla hurry through the class screen "Anne?" she smiled opening the door and bringing the girl into a hug. "Gilbert Blyth visited about you, but we weren't expecting you, come in before you catch a chill" Marilla hurried. Anne picked up her small bag and box and placed it on the table.

"I got something for you" Anne smiled pointing at the box. Looking confused Marilla opened the box and gasped, it was beautiful. "I saw them and thought of you since I broke your other ones" Anne added looking at her face change as she picked up and looked at each piece.

"Oh, Anne you shouldn't have!" she gasped "Thank you" she brought her chin down and smiled lightly. Marilla looked up at the movement behind Anne and saw Mathew and Jerry come in for tea. "Look who we have here" she announced making Anne turn around and smile. Even though she visited often, Anne loved how they always seemed happy to see her.

"Bonjour Anne!" Jerry waved happily; Mathew brought her into a long hug.

"Bonjour Jerry, comment allez-vous?" Anne asked she had been working on her accent so Jerry had been caught off-guard. "You will help me with French this weekend again won't you?" she pleaded. He nodded and laughed.

"You seem happy Anne" Marilla smiled starting a pot of tea. Anne helped to rinse and setting out the new set she had gotten her.

"I am, by the way, did Gilbert Blythe come and talk to you?" she asked worriedly. Marilla wasn't used to an unsure Anne but smiled, she seemed to deeply care for the boy.

"Why, well now.." Mathew started "He came and we said that it was up to you, but he had our blessing" Mathew added sitting on the bench. Anne giggled sitting down too.

"We should invite them for supper tomorrow I think" Marilla added with a fond smile "You can take the horse and invite them yourself Anne" she nodded, no longer feeling like drinking tea, Anne jumped up, put on her coat and went to go saddle up Belle.

"Oh Belle how I miss you so, your baby is all grown up too! How magnificent, she looks like her mother" Anne talked excitedly to feel the wind in her hair as she rode the familiar path to the Blythe house. He hair had unravelled and now lay on her back. The house was looking well kept and the chimney was piping out smoke. Walking up to the back door Anne knocked quickly before she could doublethink.

"Oh, Anne!" Sebastian smiled "Gilbert is in his room come in!" she walked into the kitchen and looked around. Sebastian's mother sat mending some clothes with the baby in a basket sitting next to her. "Good afternoon Mrs Lacroix how are you?" Anne asked walking over to say hello to Delphine.

"Well thank you Anne, and yourself?" she asked back politely. Before Anne could reply Gilbert appeared behind her.

"Anne!" he smiled causing her to turn around quickly.

"Hi" she smiled back, her mind coming back to her when she saw Sebastian behind Gilbert. "I came to invite you all for dinner tomorrow" she smiled looking around the room.

"We would be delighted Anne" Sebastian replied. "It is good to see you so soon; I hope you are doing well with your classes" he added as Gilbert was acting strange.

"I am thanking you, and I made Mary's cake for school dinner and it came out magnificent" Anne smiled making everyone in the room smile. "Oh, you all seem busy, I should be getting back. It was good to see you all" Anne replied. Gilbert hadn't said much, and Anne couldn't understand why so she just wanted to leave.

"I'll walk you out then" Gilbert replied finally, Anne nodded and made her way to the door. "Anne you look beautiful" Gilbert added as they walked out. Something was off.

"Thank you" she replied untying bells rains. "I have come at the wrong time Gilbert your mind is elsewhere. I'll see you tomorrow then" she added before pulling herself on top of the horse.

"Anne wait, don't go. I just... something happened" he added quickly making Anne's grip tighten and Belle stop walking. "Mathew and Marilla gave us their blessing" he added anxiously.

"Yes, they told me" she added confused.

"Anne do you know what this means? It means we can get married" he added. Anne was very confused now, no one said anything about marriage.

"Gilbert Blyth, if you call that a proposal you have to try again" Anne laughed sliding off the horse and tying the rains again. "You are getting ahead of yourself; we are not in a rush are we?" she asked moving closer.

"No, I am not proposing Anne, I am just saying that..." he paused and gulping "I can finally be yours, and you can finally be mine. It is so close for us now Anne and there is nothing stopping us now. I just want to make sure that marriage is something you want. I want you to still be a teacher Anne, but I want to be there with you if you will have me... I guess what I am saying Anne, is that I love you" he rambled.

"Gilbert Blyth if I didn't know any better, I would say that you were nervous to see me, and nervous about what I would say. Well, I love you too Blythe, and I think it is a good idea for us to talk about our future. I see my future with you too. I want to see you be a doctor Gil" she smiled kissing him quickly. "No please stop worrying and go inside, you are not wearing a jacket" Anne hopped back on the horse and rode away. 

Thank you for reading, please support me by liking this chapter! Hope you have an amazing day!

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