Season 4 Episode 15: Always and Always (PART 3)

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Gilbert looked down at the letter with shock. He hadn't expected his reputation to go as far as it had. And the letter was proof that he had done a good job. "Anne, Anne you wont belive it" he exclaimed looking up at her stirring a pot of stew.

Anne smiled in confusion and put the spoon down "What is it?" she asked coming to look at the letter.

"I have been invited to teach at the Sorbonne for a semester" he adds "and they say that they will pay for the fair and accommodation in Paris along with a very generous wage" he adds.

"That's amazing Gil" Anne giggled coming around the table, she sat on his lap and gave him a warm hug "And don't you dare not think about going now" she pointed kissing his forehead. They looked down at the letter that was clearly inscribed with expensive calligraphy.

"Of course, I want to go, but what about you? And the kids?" he asked getting serious now. Anne laughed and ran her hand through his hair.

"Just celebrate your victory Mr Blythe and send an acceptance letter now. We will think about the practical side of it later" she added standing up to remove the pot before it burned. She couldn't help but smile for him. "What a beautiful end to the day" Anne muttered to herself, before going to call the kids to set the table.

"Ill tell the kids once we get everything sorted" Gilbert added tucking the letter away, he had a few more letters to go through but was certain that they would not compare "Oh, and I best tell Miss Stacy, she would be very shocked about this" he added before the kids came to set the table. Cordelia was their youngest child, and she was already a very vocal four-year-old.

As they ate dinner, Anne and Gilbert listened to the children to tell them about their day. Anne taught both Jhon and Cordelia at school, but she was a strict teacher at school and strict mother at home. Which seemed to confuse Cordelia a lot as she often cried at school. "Baby, did you tell your father about what happened to your knee?" Anne asked the small girl who was unable to get a word in with her loud older brothers.

Gilbert leaned down and gave the girl all his attention, as she tripped over the words in our story. Despite, that he was sure to nod enthusiastically and provide the frequent "Oh?" which always made Anne happy to see.

"It sounds like Mrs Blythe had a long day today" Gilbert added as they prepared themselves for bed. Anne sat combing her hair and plaiting it before bed.

"It was, but as did yours" she added climbing onto the bed.

Gilbert hummed as he picked up a medical journal and flicked through its pages. "I think we should all go" Anne added crossing her legs, "I mean, the kids are not so little anymore and would love to come. And Paris is not far from the United Kingdom, I could visit Scotland" she added hopefully.

"I suppose I can call Paris and inquire if we can figure something out" Anne giggled happily and snuggled his shoulder as he read something very advanced. And the next day, Anne was upset to find the day to be too normal to have occurred after such wonderful news. Alike every day she prepared breakfast and with the kids went to school, before returning home to write her book and mark homework, she spent the afternoon with Miss Stacy discussing the children's work when Gilbert walked in.

Welcoming him in, Anne prepared another cup of tea but was surprised to find his expression unreadable. When Miss Stacy finally left she could not contain her anxiety and asked him immediately. "I have good news and bad news" he added sitting down.

"I do not think we can take the children, but they are happy to arrange passage and accommodation for the both of us" he added, watching her face pass through the different phases of confusion. "So, I thought you could come for a brief period at the start and then we could travel to the United Kingdom for a short while?" he asked.

"That could work, but what about the kids?" Anne asked confused. There were many people who would be happy to look after the kids. "I can go to ask Mrs Baynard?" Anne asked remembering that the family was more than happy to help where they could as Anne let them stay at Green Gables for free.

"That could work" Gilbert added nodding. The woman knew how to deal with children, and who knows they might come out speaking French. And like that Gilbert and Anne sat on the steamship bound for Paris weeks later. Unlike Gilbert's previous voyage they enjoyed the fresh air and elegant dinners above deck.

Anne's time in Paris and Scotland went so quickly before her eyes that she was sad packing to return home. She had visited the town her parents grew up and visited the church where they were married. The Scottish landscape made her feel so at home. As she closed her suitcase that sat on the edge of the bed she heard a voice announce behind her "Pen pals?" Gilbert asked, making Anne laugh.

She turned and nodded "I happen to have a very nice fountain pen" she smiled in fondness.

Dear Anne,

It is weird to think that alike the students I now teach, I once dreamt of studying here. Paris is growing on me, and I can now say that I have developed a fondness for wine, cheese and fresh bread. I hope this letter finds you well and that you my dear are well.

As you have gone, I have continued discovering the city, and am pleased to inform you that it is packed with light, culture and new experiences. I have bought a camera with the hopes of capturing some of my adventures for you. But despite all the excitement, I cannot wait to return to you and am very happy to inform you that I have a surprise for you on my return in a months' time. The semester has gone by so quickly, and I hope you have not missed me too much.

Please give our children my love and tell them that I will return as quickly as I can.

See you soon my dear Anne.

See you soon my dear Anne

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