Chapter 19

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Two days had passed.

Sophie and Draco had spent their evenings in the living room. They didn't speak much and mostly read their books, but they still found themselves seeking each other's company. Sophie told herself it was strictly because he was her only option for company besides Sirius. Draco told himself that the isolation was driving him mad and his judgement had begun to falter.

The two of them sat in the living room listening to the fire place cackling and crickets chirping outside the window. Sophie began to nervously fidget her feet and crinkle the corners of the pages on her book. She tried focusing on the text in front of her, but her eyes kept drifting upwards to Draco sitting on the chair across from her.

Draco's eyes glanced upwards as Sophie shifted her eyes back down to her own book. He examined her antsy movements for a moment before speaking. "Something you'd like to get off your chest?" Draco asked lazily.

Sophie's cheeks flushed red and she swallowed. "Oh. Uh no." She paused and licked her lips. "Well.......maybe."

Draco shook his head. "Spit it out then."

Sophie closed the book and placed it on the coffee table. "I just was wondering if you'd made a decision yet."

Draco cocked an eyebrow. "About?"

"Theo." She replied.

Draco closed his book and let out a long breath. "No. I haven't."

"Oh." She replied softly. "Okay."

Draco blankly stared at Sophie before dropping his head and rubbing his eyes. "It's a lot to consider. If he's telling the truth then it's probably urgent that I meet him."

"But if he's lying.." Sophie began.

"Then I'll probably get myself killed." Draco replied bitterly. "And Merlin knows I don't have a way to defend myself."

"How are you going to get to the location without your wand?" Sophie asked.

"Knight Bus." Draco replied.

"You're joking." Sophie said in disbelief.

"Why the fuck would I be joking?" He barked.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe because you're a fucking fugitive and number one on everybody's wanted list. You'll get yourself killed before you even find out if Theo is setting you up." Sophie explained irritably.

"Well what other option do I have?!" Draco snapped.

Sophie felt herself shrivel in her seat. "I don't know." She choked out.

"Well when you come up with a better idea than mine, feel free to fucking let me know." Draco pushed himself up from his chair and stormed up the stairs and to his bedroom.

Sophie sat frozen to her spot with wide eyes. Part of her felt sorry for Draco. He'd spent the past couple weeks adjusting to Grimmauld Place, unable to speak with any of his school mates. Sophie's adjustment had been difficult, but writing to her friends helped tremendously. She truly hoped Theo was okay and it wasn't a trap at all for Draco. She knew Theo would never maliciously set up Draco, but what if Theo's parents had written the letter and not Theo at all? There were too many possibilities for the letter, but she needed to think of a way to get Draco to Theo to find out the truth.

The next morning Sophie stood at her doorway building up courage for what she was about to do. Her hand rested on the door knob as she took even breaths and rehearsed what she was going to say in her head one last time. She let out one last deep breath and opened her bedroom door. Her feet shuffled along the wooden planks as she made her way over to Sirius' bedroom. She tapped the door softly and waited for a response. The door swung open quickly to reveal Sirius already made up for the day.

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