Chapter 2

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Neko's pov

"What's wrong, you've been looking shocked since I told you my room number..." I'm frankly a little worried for Simon because he seems like a very talkative person.
"You said 475 right? Just making sure I heard you right the first time." I slowly nod my head yes. "Oh, you poor boy....."
Ok, now I was super confused. He sounded sorrowful like something bad was going to happen.
"You do have the choice to stay with me, I don't have a roommate, so we could talk to the principal if you wanted..."
"Okay, tell me what is so wrong with that room that you just basically out of the blue, asked me to be your roommate??"
"You seem smart! You know how dorm layouts are right?" I nod my head yes and am still confused. "That room, that's the Alpha's room. Wilbur Yellowcake is THE alpha of the school, everyone fears him. He controls everyone here no questions asked!"
I roll my eyes and give the 'Do I look like I care' face. "I ain't scared of any 'aLpHa MaLe'. He's not my alpha!"
"You can't just say that! He could hear you!" I roll my eyes really not caring who heard me. I get up and start to walk to the elevator, I get in it and press the the button for the fourth floor. I get to the third floor and the elevator stops and the door opens, a taller male walks in and presses the fourth-floor button as well.
The elevator stops all a sudden and I don't really care to be honest. Suddenly I get shoved against the wall.
"You should really watch the pretty little mouth of yours, Sweetheart, ~" I shivered slightly and was blushing a little too. I realized this was the Alpha that Simon was talking about. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"And why's that, Wilby~" I purred back. He looked not the slightest shocked by my answer.
"Because someone might take it the wrong way one day." The elevator started to move again and I winked at him while smirking. Once the door opened, I walked out and went to my dorm. I walked in and immediately got him with the smell of Hickory and lavender, those were my favorite scents. I had never smelt them so strong before. It was the most comforting feeling that it gave me, which was kind of weird.
I walked into my room and put my bags down. I sighed heavily because I really didn't feel like doing anything. I lock my door so that WiLbY won't come in. I go to my bed and lie down, I got out my phone and saw I had a text message from a random number.

Unknown: I have a deal that you might consider

Catboy<3: One, how did you get my number, and two, what is this deal of yours?

Unknown: I have my ways. I propose, that if you can't figure out who I am by the end of the second month of you going to school, then you have to let me kiss you whenever I want.

Catboy<3: What do I get if I do find out who you are?

Unknown: You get to be the Alpha.

I look at my screen shocked. If I figured out who this person was, I could be an Alpha... I didn't believe it.

Catboy<3: I don't believe you. How can I trust that you are telling the truth?

Unknown: I'm an Alpha, which means I have the power to give that to someone else. But in return, I become what they are, which in your case means I would be an omega. And then you could be at the top.

I wanted to refuse so badly because that could raise some suspicion about how all of a sudden an omega was an Alpha, but that only be if I won right?

Catboy<3: I accept your offer.

Unknown: Well then it's a deal. Your timer will start your first official day of school. Good luck<3 ;>

I take a deep breath and calm myself. It shouldn't be that hard..... Right?

------time skip-----
Neko's pov
I was walking to my history class, which was right before lunch and I was starving. I got into class and sat in my chair. The bell rang and the teacher told us that all we were going to do today was a movie about Rome. Luckily it was a movie that I had already seen, so I took out my notebook.
"Also class, as I have said in previous classes, you are allowed to have your phone out as long as you're not being distracting, as well as still watching the movie." Sweet. I felt my phone vibrate but didn't take it out until the movie started.

Sussybaka<3: You look real nice today, Neko<3

I roll my eyes while smiling softly, mainly so that Simon doesn't notice, and try to text me about what I'm smiling about.

Catboy<3: Why thank you, stranger, I would say you look nice too, but it seems as if I don't know what you look like....mind filling me in on the details?

Sussybaka<3: Haha, clever little bunny, those tricks won't work on me ;>

I giggle quietly and look back down at my phone.

Sussybaka<3: Your giggle is very cute and yes I am in your class and no I am not simon. Don't know if he's told you yet, but his gay arse has a boyfriend. They are so cute together btw!!

Wait, Simon is gay and has a boyfriend!

Dramaking: Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend!? I would've wanted to meet him 😢

Hufflefloof: How did you even find that out? and sorry, we were trying to keep our relationship secret but I was planning to tell you.

Dramaking: 😒 You better introduce me to him.

I look right Simon with a playful glare. He nods his head, yes, we both silently laugh at each other.

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