Chapter Ten

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You guys are amazing! Have I already mentioned that? These updates are coming so quick, I'm gonna have to write the rest of this book quicker!

copyright to me

The next day at school, Louis arrived late to her first lecture, which worried Niall and Liam. He was also extra clingy to Niall while changing classes, but gave Liam a wary look. This saddened Liam, because he felt like they were back to stage one again, after making so much progress throughout the week.

What really worried Niall was when Louis followed him and Liam to the café at lunch and, when asked if he wanted someone to take him to the library, refused with violent head shakes.

So, Niall and Liam took Louis into the bustling café. Again, Liam went to the impatient queue, whilst Louis followed Niall over to the table where Harry and Zayn were already seated.

Niall sat Louis down opposite Harry and, with a last worried glance to him, turned to the boys.

Louis picked at his sandwich, trying to stay as close to Niall as he possibly could without angering his Alpha.

No, don't anger an Alpha, he thought.

Harry gave him little looks out of the corner of his eye, especially when Liam arrived with food for both himself and his Mate, but mostly his Mate, and Louis had gotten spooked by the tray clatterin onto the table. He was concerned about Louis. He was barely eating and he was so pale, he looked sick.

Slowly, he extended his arm across the table, Louis not noticing because his eyes were lowered to his lap, and touched a finger which was wrapped tightly around the sandwich.

Louis instantly stilled, then started shaking. Violently and noticeably shaking.

Harry gasped and asked quietly, "Louis, are you alright?"

Louis just closed his eyes shut, really wanting Harry to take his hand away from him.

Harry stood, notifying the three others about what was happening. He walked around the table and crouched on the floor beside the fragile, vulnerable Omega.

"Louis?" he asked again.

Louis seemed to be even more shaken: his senses were heightened and all he could smell were strange Alphas, which seemed to be closing in on him.

"Louis, sweetheart?" Harry whispered.

Although Louis could hear the mumblings from Liam, Niall and Zayn, he was focused on Harry's soothing, deep voice.

Harry wrapped his arms around the Omega's shoulders and pulled him into a hug. Louis, strangely comforted by his scent, buried his face in his chest and inhaled deeply, then let all the tears out. His hands fisted in Harry's plaid shirt.

"You're okay, little Omega, you're okay," he whispered, kissing Louis' hair and rocking them back and forth.

Harry looked over Louis' head and mouthed to Niall, "He's coming to the Pack house today."

Niall silently nodded and turned into Liam's arms, letting himself be held close.

At the end of lunch, a hysterical Louis had to be pried off Harry.

Please don't shoot me *she whispers trying to hide between someone taller*

30 reads again to update? I love getting all the feedback! Oh I love you guys so much!

Selectively Mute - Omega!Louis, Alpha!Harry, mpreg (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now