Chapter Thirty-Eight

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So, here's your answer. I didn't mean to make it so harsh, but don't worry, Louis will fight through it!

copyright to me

"So, I have the results back and I want to take just one more test," Dr. Casper explained when the newly-Mated couple came back into the room, Louis with a mischievous smirk on his face and Harry trying to look stern, but failing, a smile peeking out.

Let's just say that the second glob of peanut butter hit it's mark...

Louis groaned but followed the doctor's instructions to get up onto one of those padded tables.

The doctor went to lift up Louis' shirt, but Harry was there in a flash, pushing his hands out of the way and doing it himself. No one touches his Omega any more except him.

"Just as I thought," the doctor mused, looking at his stomach for a long moment then looking away. He picked up a bottle and poured some of the liquid onto his stomach, Louis jumping at the cold, Harry shushing him.

Louis didn't really know what was going on, but there were two ideas in Harry's mind: either Louis had an illness or cancer, an ultrasound finding where it was in his body, or...

The second thought made him smile, but he didn't want to get his hopes up.

Without another word, the unusually quiet doctor picked up the wand connected to the big, gray machine by a curly wire and placed it on Louis' stomach, moving it around gently, not wanting to press too hard.

Louis watched the screen, not really knowing what he was looking for, while Harry watched Louis intently.

The doctor let out a cry of happiness, keeping the wand in one certain area of his stomach, near his hip. A smile spread across the doctor's face, while he clicked a couple of buttons on the machine and the printer across the room whirred to life.

While the Gamma went to the printer, Louis caught onto Harry's shirt sleeve and gave him a confused look.

Harry smiled but didn't give his little Omega an answer, just grabbed some of the paper towels beside the bed and cleaned his stomach, pulling his shirt back down.

Harry lifted him off the table and set him back in the seat in front of Robert's desk, an arm wrapped around his shoulders.

Robert slid the sonogram across the table to them and said happily, "That's your baby."

Did anyone fall for the little, really bad joke at the start?

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Selectively Mute - Omega!Louis, Alpha!Harry, mpreg (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now