Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Hopefully this is a happier chapter to read.

Louis - 20 weeks pregnant

Niall - 17 weeks pregnant

copyright to me

Louis watched from the stairs in jealousy as Niall walked into the doctor's office, shadowed by Liam, for their gender ultrasound.

He heaved himself up from the step and waddled up to his room, patting his massive belly.

Niall had someone who was actually there for him and, for that reason, Louis hated him.


"All seems fine," Robert mused, moving the wand around one more time just to make sure.

Niall looked at him impatiently, while Liam tried to soothe his Omega by rubbing his thumb over the back of his hand.

Robert laughed when he looked down at Niall. "Okay, well, we'll just get to it then."

Niall eagerly nodded, reaching out to press the print button himself, but Liam grabbed his hand and set it on his chest again.

"Sorry," Liam said with a fond smile, "he gets a bit excitable."

The doctor could only laugh, knowing exactly how Niall was, everyone in the Pack House knew what Niall was like. Without further ado, he pressed the button and the printer whirred to life.

Niall didn't wait for Liam and just jumped onto the floor, grabbing some paper towels and wiping away the slime as he walked over to the chairs in front of the desk. He plopped down on a chair, crossing his legs and folding his arms on top of his belly expectantly.

Liam could only sigh and shake his head, seating himself down beside his Mate and holding out his hand, Niall entwining their fingers together subconsciously.

"So," Robert sat down across the desk and slid the sonogram across the table in front of the couple. He picked up a pen and pointed to the first little baby.  "A little girl." He moved the lid to the other little bundle. "And another little girl."

"Twin girls," Niall whispered, grabbing the photo and setting it in his lap, having to move it onto the edge of his knees because of his protruding belly restricting his view.

"Two little girls," Liam whispered, wrapping an arm around Niall's shoulders and leaning him against him. He lifted a hand timidly and ran a finger over the ink.

The doctor stood and quietly left the room.


Selectively Mute - Omega!Louis, Alpha!Harry, mpreg (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now