Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Thank you so much for all the lovely baby names. I am currently picking out my absolute favourites and you all can vote for your favourite, but that is going to be so hard because they are all actually really good!

At the start of the chapter, here, I am always going to say how far along Louis is in the pregnancy so you lot don't get confused, and more importantly I don't get confused!

Louis - 5 weeks pregnant

copyright to me

Louis had been sitting criss-cross, in a trance, for two hours now, on his and Harry's bed, snuggled into the pillows that Harry piled up against the headboard, one hand resting over his small belly and a smile on his face. Now that he thought about it, his belly was firm and more swollen than it had been before.

"So, how long has he been like this?" Liam asked, standing beside Harry at the door.

"Two hours."

The boys watched as Louis showed Niall the sonogram...again. Niall looked at it graciously, like he hadn't seen it before, before giving it back to Louis, who set it in front of his crossed legs, looking at it in a trance.

Niall looked up at his Alpha, worried about the mental stability of his friend right now, but Liam shook his head. "Don't worry about it," he mouthed to his Omega.

There was a knock on the door, Harry and Liam stepping away to let Zayn and Perrie come in.

"We heard the news," Zayn said, before he was cut off with a squeal from his Mate.

Perrie ran over to the bed, jumping up onto it, sitting right in front of Louis. Louis looked shocked for a second, his hands tightening on his stomach, then his face transformed into a smile again and he handed the sonogram to Perrie, then, when she was finished, handed it to Niall again.

Zayn took a step towards the bed, wanting to see the picture as well, but Harry grabbed his arm. "I don't know what's wrong with him, but he's in a sort of trance at the moment and keeps on showing the picture to Niall. Unless you want to see it every two minutes and not be able to escape, I wouldn't go over there."

Zayn laughed and leaned back against the wall, like the two Alpha's. He laughed even harder when Louis handed the sonogram over to Perrie again, who tried to politely decline it, but Louis thrust it into her hands determindly.

"How far along is he?" Liam asked.

"Five weeks."

"You ready, Harry?" Zayn asked, not looking over at his friend but at his Mate instead.

"I have to be, right?"

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Selectively Mute - Omega!Louis, Alpha!Harry, mpreg (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now