*Chapter Twenty-One

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"It's going to be fun, little Omega," Harry reassured, but Louis was still feeling uneasy.

"Yeah, Louis, this is going to be great craic," Niall encouraged.

Louis sighed, looking between his boyfriend, who was driving, and his best friend in the backseat. He lifted his hand subconsciously and squeezed Harry's on the gear stick.

He nodded, the other two cheering in response, spurring Louis to laugh.

Harry finally pulled into the lane leading to the Pack House, parking in front of the House.

Louis sighed again before he joined Harry and Niall already waiting for him at the front door.

"You're really going to enjoy this, Louis," Niall persisted.

Louis scoffed, but still followed his companions as they trailed after the music floating down the stairs from the second floor, where the party was being held in the communal living room.

There were kids crowded on the landing, playing with their toys or dancing along and laughing, whilst the adults were in the living room, enjoying themselves.

Niall rushed into the living room to quickly find Liam, whilst Harry took Louis' soft hand and they strolled through the maze of kids.

As Harry walked into the living room, Louis had to pause before he stepped in with him.

They were immediately swathed in the heat of the room and the blaring music. Louis was mesmerised by what he saw: all the furniture was pushed to the sides of the room and everyone was genuinely having fun, laughing and dancing.

Harry noticed Perrie and Zayn in the corner, talking to some of the older Gammas. He led Louis over to the small group, the Omega coming willingly. When the new couple were close enough, Zayn and Perrie turned to them, the other Gammas happily trailing off.

Harry and Zayn talked, whilst Perrie occupied Louis' time.

"So, what do you think?" she asked.

Louis gave her an enthusiastic thumbs up: this wasn't what she expected.

"We do this maybe a couple of times a year? It's just to let some steam off and relax," Perrie explained, Louis nodding along. "It's all very kid friendly, it even ends on time for most of the kids bedtimes," she laughed.

"Louis," Harry called.

Louis turned to look at his Alpha.

"Care to dance?" he asked politely, extending a hand for his little Omega.

Louis giggled and nodded, letting Harry drag him out into the middle of the dance floor with a wave goodbye to Perrie.

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist, pulling their fronts flush against each other. Louis giggled as Harry twirled them, wrapping his arms loosely around his neck and threading his fingers in his curly hair.

"I'm happy you could come here tonight," the Alpha whispered.

Louis looked up into the green eyes of his Alpha. They were so deep and made him feel like they were the only two on the planet.

Harry pressed their foreheads together as they stopped twirling. He leaned forward and carefully stole a kiss, pulling away quickly. Louis whined, making him chuckle, before he leaned forward again. This time, Louis got her wish and they kissed languidly, invisible to the world, tongues occasionally touching teasingly.

Harry pulled back tentatively after a moment, forehead going back to his.

"I love you, little Omega," he whispered, looking into his eyes and pecking his nose, making him giggle.

Louis slid one of his palms from Harry's hair and down to rest on his jaw. He gave the Alpha a kiss on the cheek, then leaned in for another slow, passionate kiss.

Harry understood the silent message.

Selectively Mute - Omega!Louis, Alpha!Harry, mpreg (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now