Chapter Sixty

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Louis - 14 weeks pregnant

Niall - 11 weeks pregnant

copyright to me

No one expected the knock on the front door a week later. The group were sitting in the communal living room. Harry sat in an armchair, Louis sideways on his lap, both running their hands over Louis' belly. Beside the armchair, on the sofa, sat Niall running his hands through his purring Alpha's hair, who sat between his feet. Zayn and Perrie were sitting beside Niall, in their own wee world.

Someone walked into the room, a fellow Gamma Pack member, and she timidly walked over to Harry and Louis.

"Um, Louis," she whispered, "someone's here to see you."

Louis eyebrows scrunched, looking up at the girl.

"Who is it?" Harry asked gently.

"They won't tell me, just told me to get Louis. It's a man and a woman."

"Okay." Harry stood Louis up, standing up after him, wrapping an arm around his Mate's waist. "Let's go and see who is disturbing a lovely Sunday."

He led Louis down to the first floor, a hand resting on the side of his belly, and into the meeting room, where all visitors were brought.

Louis gasped and stopped at the door, his Mate walking on but was abruptly pulled back by the hand when he wouldn't move.

"Louis - " Harry started, but he was cut off.

"Hello, Louis."

Harry turned to see a man and woman sitting at the table.

"Um, Louis, who is this?" Harry asked.

He didn't say anything.

"Oh, still won't say anything, should have guessed. Let me introduce myself, I'm Louis' father, Cyril, and this is his mother and my wife, Sylvia," the man said, pushing back his chair and standing up.

"Louis, are you pregnant?" Sylvia asked out of nowhere.

Louis flinched and wrapped his arms around his belly, wanting to hide his babies from these evil people.

"I'm having a grandchild," his mother cried out.

Louis violently shook his head, taking a step back. No way were these people even going to see his children. Louis whimpered and tried to walk out of the room, but Harry held him close to his side.

"Wait a moment, sweetheart," Harry whispered. "What do you want?"

"We want Louis to come home with us," Cyril said.

Louis shook his head, breathing becoming heavy and arms tightening around his stomach.

"Louis is not leaving here," Harry said harshly. How dare they even think about Louis leaving him?

"We're his parents, he's only twenty-one and we're paying for his University fees: he still belongs to us," Sylvia chastised.

Harry exploded. "Well, guess what, you see that Mark on his neck and the babies in his belly, they are mine! Louis belongs to no one! He is my mate and under no circumstances is he going to go back to people like you. People who abuse Omegas."

With that, he did what Louis wanted from the start and turned, an arm again around his Mate's waist, and led him out of the room.

"Wait a second - "

"Get out of my house!" Harry screamed, even making Louis jumping.

The Beta and Gamma stood and walked out of the house like they owned the place, with a scoff.

"It's okay," Harry whispered to the shaking Omega. "Why don't we get our puppies some food and sleep."

"Pickels and peanut butter?" Louis whispered.

"Of course, my little Omega, anything you want." He left Louis at the kitchen table with his food, then walked back up to the living room and over to Zayn.

"Make sure that, that Beta and Gamma never show up again," he growled.


"Louis' parents. I will kill them next time." With that, he stormed out and went back to his Omega.

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Selectively Mute - Omega!Louis, Alpha!Harry, mpreg (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now