Chapter Eighty-One

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Sorry this took so long to update! But I did get a few more chapters written, so hopefully they'll be a little more regular, but I can't promise anything?

Louis - 23 weeks pregnant

Niall - 20 weeks pregnant


It was a couple of nights later when everyone stood over a screaming Louis.

Niall and Louis had made up again, the two Omega's blaming their exasperated attitude on the pregnancy hormones. The two couples had moved into the private living room for the builders to start the work, all their furniture moved down to the garage. The work seemed to be going alright so far, but there was still time for something to go wrong.

All the sofas and tables had been moved to the sides of the room to fit in their mattresses comfortably.

Harry woke up to the negative emotions radiating from Louis in waves, who was cuddled into Harry's side, a leg thrown over his hips and two hands curled in Harry's thin pyjama shirt. Louis was laying on Harry's extra clothes, surrounded in his Alpha's cosiness and lovely, safe scent.

Harry always made sure that there were extra clothes for Louis that smelled like him, to comfort the small Omega.

Harry rocked the boy, trying to shush him by whispering sweet nothings directly into his ear, but that did nothing to calm the distressed Omega.

Next, Niall woke up with a start by the whimpering that suddenly started coming from his friend.

Niall gently pried Liam's arms off him and sat up, looking around the dark room to find the direction of where the noise was located. He heaved himself onto his hands and knees beside the thick mattress that he was sleeping on, grabbing his phone and turning the torch on, shining the light around the room until it landed on his friend. He put the phone between his teeth and crawled over to the Alpha who was near tears.

"What's wrong with him?"Niall whispered, kneeling beside the mattress on Louis' side. He raised a hand and gently pressed back the hair that was caked to Louis' forehead with sweat, but the other Omega's whimpers increased in volume so he quickly retracted his hand.

At the sounds of the obvious whimpers for their Alpha's coming from both Louis and Niall, Liam woke up. He mumbled incoherently, feeling the mattress beside him for the loveliness that was his Omega.

"It's okay, babe, go back to sleep," Niall whispered from the other side of the room.

Liam was not going to listen to that. He, too, got on his hands and knees and crawled in the path of his Omega's scent, his advanced Alpha vision helping him. He kneeled beside Niall, wrapping an arm around Niall's waist, his Omega's distressed scent calling his Alpha to the forefront of his mind.

All three looked down at Louis.

The little Omega was curled on his side now, back facing Harry so his pain-contorted face was right in front of Niall. He had his arms wrapped around his belly, fingers digging into the flesh, little half-moons left behind from his fingernails. He had tried to bring his knees up to his chest, but that was extremely hard because of the balloon stopping him. Harry reached over once again to try and calm his Omega, but with each touch from the Alpha, the Omega would wince and whimper even more. So, Harry just sat there, watching his Omega whimper for his Alpha, the tears streaming down his face by the fact that he was only making it worse.

"Niall, sweetie, we should go back to bed," Liam whispered, head turned away from the horrible sight in front of him.

Niall immediately shook his head. "No," he whispered, voice sounding teary, "not until he wakes up."

So, that's what the three of them did. They sat there until Louis woke up from a hard kick in his belly. His eyes slowly opened, whimpers stopping, omitting a soft "Ow" and a giggle. He looked up at the couple in front of him who were staring down at him, Niall with the torch on the back on his phone shining directly down on Louis' face, causing Louis to place his arm over his eyes. He was about to move onto his stomach, but then remembered about the babies, so turned over onto his back.

"What's going on?" he whispered thickly, turning around to face Harry and finding him sitting on his knees, a tormented look on his face.

"You had a bad dream," Harry whispered.

Louis shook his head. "I'm fine," he sighed, pulling Harry down to lay beside him so they could cuddle.

"But, Louis, every time we touched you, you winced," Niall just about got out, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm fine," Louis whispered. "Go to bed," he dismissed the other couple, burying himself into his Alpha.

Niall was about to protest, but Liam shook his head and helped his Mate to his feet, taking the phone into his own hand and leading him back to their bed for the next short while.

"Louis, what's wrong?" Harry whispered into Louis' hair a couple of minutes later, when he heard Niall's snores, arms wrapped tightly around the small, vulnerable, hormonal Omega. He finished his question with a kiss to his boy's forehead.

Louis shook his head, burying himself as close as he could get to his Alpha with their babies between them.

It was a couple of minutes later when Louis was sure that Harry was asleep. He sleepily whispered, pleaded, with a emphasis by tightening his fists in Harry's shirt, "Never leave me again. Don't leave me and the kids. Don't take the kids away from me."

Harry couldn't sleep that night, his little Omega wrapped tightly in his arms.


Selectively Mute - Omega!Louis, Alpha!Harry, mpreg (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now