The Second Owl House

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If anyone had been looking outside it would have been weird seeing so many people dancing outside in the rain. Even the adults were acting like children and seemed fascinated by what many people consider to be a nuisance. None of them would of course understand how amazing the rain seemed to a group of witches that had grown up in a world where rain meant danger. To most humans, the rain was just an inconvenience that ruined any plans for outdoor activities. Luz however always loved the rain, and she now loved it even more as she watched her girlfriend dance in its shower.

Every movement seemed to captivate Luz as Amity spun in the cool droplets of rain. Clothing drenched with water, and her damped dyed hair clinging to her face only seemed to make Amity look even more beautiful to Luz. Then again Amity only seemed to grow more beautiful every second Luz looked at her regardless of the situation. Luz seemed convinced that her lover had some secret ability that made her more attractive the longer she watched her. Biting her bottom lip Luz tried, with great effort, to resist the urge to kiss Amity again. If she did so now Luz was worried she might not find the strength to stop. The only reason she had stopped before was because of everyone watching them, but now Luz didn't think she'd care. Two years of fantasizing about her goddess made all sense of reason leave Luz's mind.

The number of times she had dreamed of kissing Amity seemed to flood back into the young human's mind causing an intense blush to appear on her face. Not seeming to notice her girlfriend's dilemma Amity took Luz's hand and started dancing around not seeming to tire from the enjoyment the wonderful weather had brought. Every step, spin, or near slip caused Luz's strength to falter more and more as the distance between their lips closed with every moment that passed. Luz's urge became too much to bear when an enchanting giggle escaped from her girlfriend. It was as if the one sound could always undo any amount of resistance Luz could possibly manage turning her reason to mush as the Human leaned in again to kiss the witch. 

Their lips met for the second time today sending sparks through Luz's mind. Every second that passed during the display felt like an eternity which Luz didn't mind as she never wanted to go a moment without Amity again. The shock of suddenly being kissed seemed to not last long before Amity moved in to participate in the loving display her girlfriend had initiated. This of course only made it harder for Luz to stop as every cell of her body seemed electrified and only pushed her to kiss Amity more. The number of times she and Amity had actually kissed could be counted on one hand as the Luz two years ago had been a bit more hesitant to be too lovey-dovey in fear of pushing her girlfriend away. Only after two years of yearning for even a single word from her cotton candy-haired goddess, or the slightest touch of her hands, Luz no longer could contain any form of affection saved inside.

They parted for a moment, both teens breathing heavily. Luz's gaze drifted to her girlfriend's love-struck eyes then back to her kissable lips. That constant urge again made Luz move in for another kiss. It was like one of the scenes from an anime Luz loved to watch so much. Two lovers standing in the rain, entranced by one another as if nothing else in the world mattered. It was then that Luz realized that this was real life as an awkward cough stopped her next attempt at a kiss. Both flustered teens looked around to see everyone trying their best not to stare, while Carlos gave them both a wiggle of the eyebrow with a smirk on his face. 

He had an umbrella protecting himself from the rain, with Luz's bag over his shoulder and another bag over his other shoulder. Luz was both thankful and upset at her cousin's interruption. If he hadn't then who knows just how long she might have kissed Amity, and it also upset her that she had to stop. After giving a small awkward laugh Luz rubbed the back of her neck and took the umbrella Carlos had in his free hand. Even if the rain wasn't dangerous on contact, the constant exposure and wearing of wet clothes could make one sick. 

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