A Walk To the "Abandoned" House

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(A/N: Hey everyone chapter three is here and I hope you all like it. I'm having a lot of fun with this story. Again if you see any mistakes feel free to let me know, and if you got anything to say about the story feel free to leave a comment. Byeeeeee!)

Luz sat down in the chair Principal Hal had gestured to and tried not to look him in the eyes. There was some awkward silence, as Principal Hal seemed to wait for something. It felt like one of those interrogations you saw on TV where the scary cop just stared at you until you finally broke. Only she wasn't going to give in. Sure being bullied sucked, but Luz had been trained as a witch, and had faced plenty of monsters and even Emporer Belos himself. There was nothing she couldn't handle that a bunch of high school girls threw at her.

Principal Hal picked up the homework that Mr. Hughes had given him and flipped through the pages. He placed on his glasses and seemed to study them closely. Every so often he'd look up at Luz and gave a sigh. After a few minutes, Luz really felt uncomfortable and it seemed as if the room was getting hotter. Were they slowly raising the temperature of the room? That was another tactic Luz had seen for interrogation on TV. There was a sudden knock on the door which made Luz jump. The door opened to reveal a short little round man that was beginning to be bald and his freshly shaved face looked kind of funny when combined with his large circular glasses. Luz recognized him as Vice-Principal Johnson who always seemed to remind Luz of a hamster. 

"Hal," Mr. Johnson said. "We finished looking at the student's locker."

Principal Hal raised a hand to stop Johnson from saying anything further. He then turned back to Luz and seemed to be in deep thought. One last look at the bullies' notes left on Luz's schoolwork he tossed it over to one side of his desk. 

"Luz," Principal Hal started. "You know why you're here, right?"

"If it's about the otter thing during my first Prom I already promised my Mama that wouldn't happen again," Luz said trying to avoid the real conversation that was coming.

"Miss Noceda," Mr. Johnson said from the door. "You can talk to us about these things you know."

"What things?" Luz chuckled.

"Luz this isn't some bad joke," Principal Hal said pointing to Luz's homework. "You're being bullied. You don't have to keep it a secret, we can help you."

"I-I don't think anything was meant by it." Luz lied.

"Why are you protecting them?" Principal Hal asked. "Are you being threatened, blackmailed?"

"No," Luz said a little touched that he even cared. "I just don't want to cause any more problems."

"Johnson please give us a minute." Principal Hal said and the Vice-Principal nodded as he closed the door.

"Luz, we've known each other a long time." Mr. Hal smiled sitting next to Luz. "You use to be in here for crazy things almost every day, but now your only coming in two or three times in a two-week span."

Luz looked to her feet not wanting to talk about how much trouble she used to and still got into. She was really trying to be a normal girl like they all wanted, but it was so hard to pretend to be something she wasn't. 

"I've gotten to know you better than most students that walk into this room," Principal Hal continued. "You're a good kid who is... very unique in the way you learn and act. You've been working hard to do better at school, and I'd be lying if I said you didn't make things interesting around here."

A smile forced its way to Luz's face. It was sweet that Principal Hal was trying his best to cheer her up, but Luz didn't want any drama. Two more years and she could return to the Boiling Isles where she wasn't the only outcast. She was a member of the Bad Girl Coven and had friends that actually cared about her. The last thing Luz wanted was Sarah and her gang getting angry about being told on. Then the bullying would only get worse and to make matters worse Sarah's dad was a real wealthy man, who made plenty of donations to the community and schools. Why were all rich people so mean even back in the Boiling Isles?

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