A Day at the Amusement Park Part 4

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Luz quietly chewed her corn dog despite having no real appetite. It was meant to hold her over until lunch, but honestly, the girl didn't think she'd be too hungry anymore. She still planned to eat though knowing someone might notice. Especially if that person was a certainly adorable witch Luz called her girlfriend. Amity was always able to see past any of the human's attempts to hide her true feelings.

This forced Luz to be honest about things she normally kept wrapped up inside. Most people will tell Luz that it's a good thing as keeping your feelings locked up is a good way to go crazy, but she hated worrying her girlfriend. Before it was easy to just push a smile and convince everyone she was okay, but it wasn't like that anymore. Either everyone else got better at reading her, or her emotions were so bottled up that they were just pouring out. Luz thought it to be the latter of those choices as keeping everything locked up for two years would definitely be bad for anyone especially a teenager.

Amity had done that a lot growing up as well seeing as her parents had always wanted her to be a little miss perfect. Only after meeting Luz, she had become more open, as well as more observant of other people's feelings. Like the human had thought Amity was exchanging worried glances at her. Nothing seemed to ever get past the witch and Luz figured that was gonna be a permanent thing in their relationship. Instead of saying anything Amity just flashed a small smile while taking Luz's free hand.

The human teen smiled back and rubbed her thumb against the back of Amity's hand where it rested. It was smaller than her own hand, and Luz found them cute. She thought about placing a kiss on Amity's hand as she would see lovers do in movies but remembered that she was in the middle of eating. The last thing she wanted was to get ketchup on her girlfriend. A red tint crossed Luz's face having even thought of doing something so bold and in public no less. Holding hands was one thing, and kissing in front of friends was awkward a little, but still doable. Luz was snapped out of those thoughts by Gus who was making a comment about his own corndog.

"I can understand putting a piece of meat on a stick," Gus commented. "But why cover it in bread?"

"Most people put hotdogs on buns when eating them," Carlos explained. "So someone decided to just take that idea and put it on a stick."

They were all sitting at the pavilion with Luz, Gus, and Edric eating corndogs they bought on the way over. Everyone else was snacking on whatever food Carlos had brought with them to the park. Just Gus and Edric felt brave enough to try the human food Luz had gotten. The concept of a corndog seemed to confuse them, and even seem weird, but Luz was shocked by that seeing as the Boiling Isles had some really weird street food.

Once finished they would head back to the park and play some more games. There was an arcade in this part of the park and Carlos kept saying it wasn't a successful trip unless they played one game of Skee-ball. He had been against the idea of watching all of them today but certainly seemed to be enjoying himself the most. Luz figured that was probably due to James being with them. It was a bit weird coming to the park with her teacher, but Luz was past it now.

She had never seen her cousin so happy before, and he was hardly not happy. Still, he showed a type of enjoyment even Luz hadn't seen before. James seemed to bring out a different side of Carlos, the same could be said between Luz and Amity. The young witch hadn't always been the friendliest person, but after meeting Luz she began to show a side most people didn't see. A side of Amity her parents had tried destroying. Luz was happy they failed though.

"Alright guys," Carlos said as they finished up. "Time to show you a human game you can't ever not play."

"That sounds interesting," Gus leaned into every word.

"Gus, everything human-related sounds interesting to you." Willow laughed as Gus simply nodded.

"Can you blame me?" Gus responded. "This is my dream come true!"

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