Chapter 9

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Kendra can see Choi Jung Soo's body starting to shake.

"I will make you a proposal, I will let you live." Kendra can see Choi Jung Soo focusing on the god of death.

"However, you need to go to a different world. That world will welcome you. You'll meet a lot of great people."

'Tsk, that's your intention in the first place. Why would you let their comrade suffer when that's the only thing you want?'

"This situation is so unique that I am giving you a choice, unlike your ancestors. I will let you live. I can promise you that."

It was at that moment.


A loud explosion filled the area. Choi Jung Soo could see one of his teammates holding up a metal board to block the piece of a building wall the monster flung toward his direction. He could see his teammate's back.


The teammate had held up the metal board as if it was a shield, however, he was pushed back and rammed into Choi Jung Soo. He then turned around and glared at Choi Jung Soo.

"Hey! Choi Jung Soo!"

"...Kim Rok Soo."

"Snap out of it! Do you want to die?! Why are you suddenly blanking out?!"

'Ah. Choi Jung Soo realized that he had blanked out for a moment. The unfamiliar voice continued to speak.

"You, see? You're in grave danger. Don't you want to live?"

It was a tempting offer. Choi Jung Soo's sense of reality shook once again. The monster launched another attack at that moment.


His teammate Kim Rok Soo's body was flung aside and rolled on the ground. The metal board he had picked up as a temporary piece of defensive equipment was crushed as well. Kim Rok Soo's arm had twisted in an odd direction.

'That hurts a lot.' Kendra can't help but comment when she sees what happened to the hand that once held her.

"Ugh, crazy bastard! Snap out of it!"

Choi Jung Soo could see Kim Rok Soo grabbing his injured arm and shouting toward him again. The punk who was bleeding from his mouth because he had used too much of his power, the punk who had no offensive strength at all, was shouting at him. He finally completely snapped out of it. His sense of reality had returned once again.

"You almost died again. What do you think, do you want to go with me?"

Slap! Choi Jung Soo slapped his cheek. He then reached his hand out.

'Gosh, Keifer don't slap yourself, I mean Choi Jung Soo.'

"What the hell?"

"Why are you so shocked, you punk? Just support us from the rear!"

Choi Jung Soo pulled Kim Rok Soo to him by the collar before jumping up with him.

Baaaaaang!! The large monster's attack charged past the spot they had been standing.

"Ah, why are you pushing?! You made me fall! Can't you see that my arm is broken?!"

Choi Jung Soo chuckled while listening to the grumbling Kim Rok Soo's energetic voice.

"Who told the rear support to come all the way up here?"

He then said something he did not mean. Of course, Choi Jung Soo knew what had happened. Kim Rok Soo had come up here to save him.

He looked around. All of their teammates were fighting while putting half, no, almost their whole life at risk.

He wanted to do the same. Wouldn't that be enough? I'm going to live the way I want to live. Isn't that the best?

Choi Jung Soo clenched onto the sword in his hand and charged toward the monster. Attack and get hit. Fall and get back up. Swing the sword again and get sent flying.

"...Huff... huff. Huff......"

Choi Jung Soo finally crumbled. He slowly started to be unable to breathe. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. He had no strength or feeling in his body. He was slowly losing his sight as he faintly made out his dead teammates. Some thankfully died with their body intact while others died horrible deaths. '

...The team leader too......'

Team leader Lee Soo Hyuk was in a similar condition as him. He could also see Kim Rok Soo

'I'm relieved.'

It looked like at least one of them would survive. Choi Jung Soo had never seen such an expression on Kim Rok Soo's face before. He usually had a grumbling face that always talked in such an annoying way. He didn't like seeing this expression on Kim Rok Soo's face.

"You don't regret your decision?"

"Choi Jung Soo, wasn't it your dream to return to your hometown and live as a farmer? Is it okay to die like this?'

He had talked to team leader Lee Soo Hyuk about going down to the countryside and being farmers. He would have an orchard and save a plot of land to farm.

He would also take Kim Rok Soo who claimed he was going to be a slacker and put him to work. If he left this punk to be a slacker, he was bound to go cause trouble somewhere. He and the team leader discussed making him farm with them, so that they won't have to go save his ass.

The other teammates said they would come to visit in the summer and help them harvest in the fall as long as they fed them meat. They were all just talking. It was the type of thing you talked about because you never knew when you would die.

It would be great if it happened, but they were sharing their dreams as if they were jokes because the chances of it happening were slim. It was something like that. That was all it was.' Even thinking was becoming difficult for Choi Jung Soo. He couldn't see much anymore either.

He could hear Kim Rok Soo's voice. It didn't sound like crying, Kim Rok Soo was not someone who would cry until the end. He seemed to be calling for him. But why did it sound like a shriek?

"Is this your decision?"

'My decision? Nah, things like this can happen as you live. ...Of course, I do want to live longer. I want to live, but I can't leave alone.'

Choi Jung Soo could not respond anymore. That weird voice was getting quieter.

"Kim Rok Soo was the one who was supposed to die. But that has changed."

'...Ah, I am a bit worried about Kim Rok Soo, that punk. I hope he lives a good life.'

Choi Jung Soo felt as if he was slowly being sucked into the darkness. He couldn't hear anything anymore; nothing could reach him. The unfamiliar voice continued to mumble.

"There are only a few things left I can do. Humans really are interesting creatures."

After that Kendra can see how Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo died. She can see that the only survivor is Kim Rok Soo.

Kendra was back to the black space. She didn't stop herself from crying, she can't help but to be sorry for the things that her child suffered from their previous life.

"They are like you, right? Especially Lee Soo Hyuk." She can hear the god of death saying but she ignores it.

"Hahahaha you should shut up, there are no Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo anymore. There are already reborn and their name in this life is Kaiden and Keifer Versilion." Kendra said and she can feel herself going back to reality. 

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