Chapter 20

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Cale was looking at the window of the Central Shelter to see if Kendra and the others were coming back.

"Cale-nim, when are you going to explain what's happening tomorrow to the people in this place?" Choi Han asked. Cale looked at him.

"Later, in the evening. Around this time, the people inside this shelter will be busy distributing the foods that they got from looting some stores. Remember the people that you meet, those are the people distributing some food to them." Cale explained.

"But it looks like the food was not enough I believe, when we were going in this room. I notice that the people are skinny." Eruhaben said, and Cale nodded.

"Indeed, it's not enough, because the stores are already looted, the supply of the food is small." Cale walked out of the window when Rosalyyn entered, holding some bags with Mary and Kendra entered while floating using Raon's magic.

" poor back." They heard Kendra complaining about her back when she entered. Cale looked at them, and noticed that she was already carrying the twins using a baby carrier.

"Human! Look! The dragon priestess saw what it was called..Ah!! Grocery that was locked so I opened it and there were some foods that she said that we will loot so we can give it to the people in this place and something for us to eat. I have more in my spatial pocket!" Raon said while raising some plastic bags on his paw.

"The people in this place need to eat something in order for them to have the energy to run if they need to tomorrow. I think the supplies that we got will be enough, to let this place feed, and some other shelter." Kendra told Cale and sat on the couch.

"Are we going to distribute it?" Lock asks, while he was helping Rosalyn, Mary, and Raon on the bags.

"Yup. I let Cale decide on what to do. Right Commander. Now, Raon. Please release those things that I gave you earlier and those things that we saw earlier." At the corner, things started to appear, from the baby clothes, milk, water, diaper bag and a box.

"Thank you. Ron, is it okay for you to hold them for a bit? I need to arrange those things." Kendra asked Ron, an assistant who obliged and took the twins who was looking at him curiously.

"What are those?" Ron asked and expertly held the babies in his arms. Cale looked at the babies who were looking like they were comfortable in the arms of the very viscous butler.

"Their things. I need to put those things in those bags so I can easily take them out, especially the milk and the diapers." Kendra said and started pulling out the thing in the box.

"Raon! Here, put some air in this hole and stop when I tell you kay."

"All right, human, even though I don't know what it is." Raon started putting air to a blue looking cloth that Kendra asked him. The blue cloth started to get bigger until it looked like a bed.

"Stop! Ahh!! Finally I can lay down. The twins are heavy." Kendra said and put the inflatable bed, and started arranging the things that she will put on the diaper bag.

"Is that a bed?" Eruhaben asks while looking at the bed made of air that Kendra was sitting on.

"Yes, Eruhaben-nim. This is called Inflatable bed. You just need some air to make this thing." Kendra said.

"This world is really interesting." Eruhaben said while looking at the things that they brought.

"Kendra looks like they need to change." Ron said, when he smelled something funky from the twins that he was holding him. The others that were not used to the smell of a baby popping, already in the utmost corner, and were covering their nose.

"Hmm..okay. Here, let's put them in this cloth, and I'll change them. Ron, please watch how to use this thing. I can't take care of both of them because there might be some things that I need to do." Kendra said, and started cleaning the twins. Ron and Cale were the only ones near her, when she was changing them. Since the others were still in the corner, while covering their nose.

"Now, both of you are clean. Are you sleepy?" Kendra put the twins in the baby bed that she saw in the baby store, while Ron discarded the things that she used to clean the baby. The twins started closing their eyes until they finally fell asleep.

"Let's get out." Cale ordered them so the twins can sleep peacefully.

After talking to the people in the shelter. Cale and his company started going to the room where they left Kendra and the twins. When entered, Cale almost fled to the inflatable bed where Kendra was sleeping next to a baby bed where the twins started crawling out and almost fell but Cale was able to catch them.

"That gave me a heart attack." Cale mumbled and lifted the twins up. The twins are heavy but Cale thinks that he can manage.

"Da..Da..Da!!" Keifer mumbled while trying to reach Cale's hair.

"Yeah, Daddy." Cale nodded his head and slump down the sofa.

"Are you hungry? We didn't eat anything." Cale asks his company while rocking the twins in his arms.

"Choi Han, I think we have some cup ramen in that plastic. We also have a water bottle. We can eat that." Cale told Choi Han who was already looking at the plastic.

"Cale-nim, we have some noodles." Choi Han said and took out cup ramen.

"Cale-nim but we don't have any hot water to make this one." Choi Han said and they clearly saw how dejected Choi Han looked.

"Ahh!! Hot water! I know how to make one! Rosalyn did it earlier to make milk for those little humans. That milk doesn't taste good but those little humans like it, they even glared at me when I'm about to take it." Raon shouted and started boiling water from the water bottle just like how Rosalyn did it earlier.

"How do you even make a meal out of this?" Beacrox asked while holding the cup of ramen that Choi Han handed him. Ron Molan was already taking some of the water to make the twins their milk.

"Just pour some hot water, and put this powder and some condiments and close this and wait for about 3 minutes and we can eat it." Choi Han explained and the others looked at how he did it before following his steps.

"Young master, here's the milk for them. Do you want this Ron to help you?" Ron smiled and Cale stiffened when he saw that smile but he shook his head.

"It's alright Ron. I can handle this. You should eat too." Cale gestures to Ron to go eat. Ron stared at Cale, that made the young puppy master shiver from his seat, so in order for him not to see Ron, he started feeding the twins who immediately sucked the bottle hungrily.

"That baby is a glutton! I'm telling you, human, there are glutton! When you were outside talking and I went there, earlier they were drinking milk again. Seriously, does that milk even taste good? Should I try it?" Raon complained to Cale. Raon was worried that the twins would become a ball if they kept drinking and drinking.

Cale and Choi Han almost choke from their saliva when the small middle finger of Kaeden raised and was facing Raon, while he was busy sucking the baby bottle.

"Aigoo..let's close this, how did you even know about this?" Cale said, while closing the middle finger that was flipping them off.

'Aigoo, these kids of mine are devils when someone disturbs them from eating.' 


So, I said to myself that I'd be updating both of my stories on Monday, but I just couldn't help but get excited when I was writing the next chapters of this story. These next few chapters are getting me excited, so I'll update right now!!!

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