Chapter 29

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Inside the hall, the leader and the rulers sided themselves with Commander Cale Henituse against the White Star. And because this was an important meeting that involved everyone's life. And this will probably take the whole of Roan and other kingdoms to be involved. Roan Kingdom's Nobles factions were here, other nobles from different Kingdom, were also watching the broadcasting in their own kingdom from the video communication device that each representative of each kingdom was holding.

The nobles and the experts that were directly involved are being separated for a peaceful talk. The left side of the hall is where the 5 factions of the Roan Nobles were located. From the Central up until the NorthWest Territory. Everyone was sneaking glances at the table where in the Northwest factions were seated. There is the Duke Deruth Henituse but his son was not there.

On the other hand, the experts are located on the right portion of the hall. Everyone knows each other already but there is still some pressure in the air, as inside that place are various people that are strong. Toonka, who was itching to challenge every strong person in this place was being held, or like Harol was trying to stop Toonka.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, there are many strong people here!!" Toonka expressed loudly, making some human, or beast people look at him.

"Crown Prince Alver, is Commander Cale coming? I can't spare time any longer." The King of the Whale Tribe Shickler as Alver who was next to Zed Crossman.

"King Shickler, I believe that the Commander will be coming any moment right now. We just got a call that something happened, that's why the Commander and our special guests are late. Please, bear it for a moment." Alver replied, Shickler nodded his head, Paseton was behind him, holding a communication device.

"Crown Prince Alver, are the special guests that Commander Cale will be bringing reliable enough? I believe we didn't get any information about those people." Litana asked, Alver honestly answered.

"Even if I wanted to give you information about those people, Cale Henituse didn't give me anything about them. He only relays the message that those people are reliable enough, and can be trusted." Alver said, and looked at the entrance when it slowly opened.

"Announcing the Commander of the Allied Armies, and the Eldest Young Master of Henituse Duchy family, are now entering!"

Everyone looked at the sight and couldn't help but to fear the company that Cale Henituse was leading. Even Cale's family was shocked. But something rather shocked Deruth. It was the two child version of Cale when he was around 4 or 5 years old. The children were being lifted by 2 cloth people.

Tasha, Pendric, and the other dark elves suddenly bowed down, when they saw not only 2 dragons but 11 dragons in one place. Alver fights the urge to praise the dragons since no one knows that he was half-deal elves.

They started praising the dragons and no one mind them as they were busy looking at the company that started going to the tables and chairs that were put in front of the hall. Cale company was composed of Choi Han, Rosalyn, Lark, Mary, Ron, Beacrox. But the thing that caught their attention the most is the new 8 people in a black uniform just like what Cale Henituse was wearing but more simpler but one of them, a girl, was wearing a uniform that can rival or even be more grand than the uniform that Commander Cale was wearing.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! SO MANY STRONG INDIVIDUALS!! LET'S FIGHT!!" Toonka shouted, he can't keep it anymore as strong individuals keep entering. He was about to charge but he was forced to sit down by Choi Han who knew when he got there. The chair almost crashed by the impact of two strong forces.

"We don't have time for that. If you want after this meeting, I'll fight you. But not right now." Choi Han firmly said and went back to stand next to Cale who was looking at them. Everyone was already seated and now waiting for the Commander to talk. But instead of Cale talking, the girl that was with him stands up.

"Based on the reason that all of you are gathered in this hall. I believe that all of you are aware that in this current time, White Star is not your only enemy. There was a greater threat than White Star and one of those threats will be awakened approximately 2 days from now." Kendra said, and the entire hall was silent. No one said anything, and the only noise was coming from the children that were playing on the side with the two cloth people. They are playing with swords and sparring with each other.

"For today's meeting we will be discussing the plan and strategies for this world to be able to survive the first attack of the lowest rank monster on the 8 monsters. Think of this as the 1st wave where it was weak but after it started to get stronger and stronger until the biggest and and strongest appeared." Kendra said and looked at one person that was asking her. The said girl was Litina.

"Is Commander Cale not talking? I'm sorry to say this but we don't know you, making it harder for me to believe what you're talking about." Litina seriously said. Litina learned not to trust easily anymore and looks like everyone on the side of experts have the same thoughts. And the nobles also agreed.

"Young Miss, please let Commander Cale talk. This is a very important meeting and we would like to hear it from the Commander's mouth rather than yours. It's better for us to hear it from the Commander than a girl that suddenly pops up." One of the nobles said, making Kendra look at the said person coldly.

"Looks like, were not welcome here. Commander Cale. And also seems like gender discrimination still occurs in this crisis. It makes sense to me now. Cale Henituse, took the floor since there's no way I'll be speaking in this place anymore. Not like they're bothering me but how can I speak when they didn't even believe me, maybe because they think Women can't lead a battle or just they didn't believe in my capabilities. Either way, I don't care. It's their loss, not mine." Kendra said and sat on her chair. Cale sighted before taking a deep breath.

'Tsk, they hit her sore spot.' Cale thought and stood up before going to a massive board that he personally requested to be put there. Choi Han pulled the cover revealing the plan, that Cale and Kendra think and write personally earlier around dawn. And it was transferred using one of the dragon's abilities.

Camilla and Rosa who was sitting beside Kendra immediately moved their chair and squished themselves into the chairs next to them which is where Anakin and Shane were sitting.

"I'm going to turn into ice if I sit next to her. Looks like she's furious." Rosa whispered to Anakin and gestured for the twins to go to where they are right now. If someone can make the Ice Ruler calmest it will be the Fire Ruler but he was currently busy so Rosa went with the offspring.

And because Kaeden and Keifer are smart they immediately know what's happening so they quietly run to their mother and put themselves on her lap. Kendra's maternal instinct kicks in and starts giving attention to her children. That made the Versillion and Cale almost sighed in relief. They were able to stop another disaster.

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