Chapter 38

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"Witira, Archie!! Shoot!!" Kendra joined Camilla on the water wave she created as massive waves clashed towards the two monsters roaring.

"Be ready to be slaughtered." Using the water, the Hellion is able to go near the monsters. Kendra inhales deeply before releasing a wide-range attack. The water where the monsters are standing starts to go icy before large spikes form, making the monsters roar in agony as the ice spikes pierce through their feet.

"Team up!!!" Cale shouted as they ran towards the snake, where he was followed by Aiden, Camilla, Shane, and Rosa.

"Let's go. Let's show them that they were better." I winked at my older brothers as they stood beside me.

Marvin laughed while Alistair and Anakin nodded. "Yeah. Let's do that, shall we?" And we get surrounded by smoke.

Cale gripped his sword covered in white-blue flames and swung it towards its left side to make it roar for the opportunity to make it open its mouth.

"Tsk. It's not opening its mouth? Such a persistent monster you are." Cale jumped away as the monster, instead of roaring due to pain, made its volcano erupt.

"Captain!!! Shall we attack together and continuously? like a machine gun?" Shane asks and is ready to attack.

"Do it!" Cale releases a massive fire in his left hand and throws it. The other Hellion used this opportunity as a distraction and fired numerous attacks on the monster's blind spot. Cale glanced over to the Crying Serpent and found out that it's being surrounded by an ice dome.

"I wonder what those problematic children do inside that dome?" Cale asked himself before he shrugged and jumped as the tail started attacking him.

On the other side, Kendra is laughing so hard while she instructs Nivia to slice the heads.

"Don't keep it from getting back its heads!" Marvin shouted as he sliced another one. While her brothers are going crazy, Kendra sneaks into the tail and starts looking for the crystal. It's hard since the serpent keeps wiggling.

"Nivia!! Hold her down! I found it!" Nivia threw her sword with a thud, and she pinned the serpent down.

"Let's strike!! On the count of two! One...Two!!" Kendra shouted as she threw her spear towards the crystal. And immediately moved backwards as the monster roared.

"ROOOAAAARRRRR!!!!" black light bursts out of the crying serpent, and Kendra can see that the serpent is dying. Kendra waited for it to disappear, but it didn't go into dust.

"That's weird. Why is this monster not going into dust? We clearly killed it."


Cale looked at the direction of the dome and found it blasted. He could see the four figures, Kendra, Marvin, Alistair, and Anakin, flying in different directions, and from the looks of it, they are unconscious.


Cale summoned waters to catch the other three as he flew to catch Kendra, who was flying towards him. Cale slightly groaned from the impact when Kendra's weight met with his arms. Cale looked at the others who had safely landed.

"SHANE!! FINISH IT ALREADY!" Cale shouted and immediately looked down on Kendra, who let out a cry of pain. Her eyes were still closed, and she was shaking from the torment of something.

"What happened to you?" Cale glanced at the others who were finally able to finish the monster. "Bring the other three towards my tent! t

Using the power of the Sound of the Wind, Cale is able to put Kendra in the bed, inside the tent, as the others bring her.

Rosa immediately started releasing her powers to the four, who are curled up in pain. The others looked at how the four slowly calmed down until they were breathing normally, but based on Rosa's troubled expression, they were dealing with a much bigger problem.

"How can that monster produce such a deadly poison? An airborne virus, specifically. It seems like their body absorbed all the virus before the dome broke." Rosa puts a barrier on the bed where the four are lying down.

Camilla looked down at herself and the others. "Are we infected?"

Rosa shakes her head to say no. She looked at Cale with seriousness in her eyes. "Captain, I don't know when the fifth monster will be appearing, but let me say this: worst case scenario, we will be fighting without them. I need to transfer them back to the village to cure them and in order for the virus to be cured."

Cale clicked his tongue while looking at the four. "Then do it. But I can't pull out anyone to go with you. I need all the hands that I can get."

Rosa smiled at him. "Don't worry, I have dragons with me."

Cale ruffled his hair in frustration before gesturing to Rosa to start teleporting towards their island. "Take care of them,"

"I will. Don't be too shocked when we get back immediately.

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