Chapter 23

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"The moment Park Yong Ra ran. Kim Ji-Hun let himself be eaten or rather, Kim Ji-Hun forced his way to the monster's mouth and slid down to it's inside. There is a secret that only Kim Ji-Hun and Park Yong Ra know and its that the body of Kim Ji-Hun is a bomb, a very strong bomb contains of the strongest and hottest flame that can melt everything on its way. The white-blue flame. The flame that was said to be personally owned by a god of fire. That's why the mother monster blows up because of the Commander's sacrifice. This was surely a great sacrifice." The God of Death told them and a new video was being played, Cale can't help but to look at the sleeping Kendra. Cale when seeing the video keeps getting some strange feeling that he doesn't know how to describe.


"Why can't you just die?" Park Yong Ra said while she was kneeling on the ground. She was being surrounded by the eight monsters that were remaining and we're attacking her. Despite all that, a white-blue flame that was shielding her didn't weave and keep it's best to shield the woman.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, I guess I'm not really suited for the position of a commander, huh? I really should stay behind Kim Ji-Hun's back and assist him. Captain, I can't do it anymore." Park Yong Ra whispered while holding onto her spear for support as her body was severely damaged. Her left arm got cut off, there was a hole in her side, her left leg was now gone, and her left eye was missing. The ice that she put keeps her alive for a bit until she fulfills her duty.

"Captain, even for the last time you still care about my well being. I didn't even think that the necklace that you gifted me before the war started would protect me for the last time." Park Yong Ra said while gazing at the barrier made of white-blue flames.

"954,000 ability users were deployed to fight you, but those 954,000 were able to defeat 3 monsters." Park Yong Ra coughed and blood was coming out of her mouth.

"The 954,000 ability user was controlled by the SSS-rank users, which is made up of seven people, and I'm one of the commanders leading those troops," Park Yong Ra said while the monsters kept trying to force their way into the barrier made up of flames, but they couldn't break it. The deceased Commander Kim Ji-Hun will keep his lover alive and keep the flames strong and sturdy.

"Those seven people tried their best to kill the rest of you, but why were they only able to kill two of you? I lost seven of my friends because of you. And I lost my lover because of your mother, and your younger sibling." Park Yong Ra keeps talking, and the barrier is starting to shake. It seems that the deceased person's power started to lose.

"And now, I'm the only one fighting. Fighting for this world that I am hoping for to be back to normal, just like how we used to." Park Yong Ra said, and the sky outside started to move, following the will of the dying commander.

"But I guess there's always a limit, huh? You really damaged my body, while looking at the eight of you. You only have some serious damage." The barrier started to crack, but Park Yong Ra didn't make a fuss about it.

"If only, if only I was able to learn all your patterns and weaknesses before we fight, we would win, but I just know all of those right now." Kendra laughed, and the barrier broke down. The light from her spear started to form a symbol; it was the symbol of ice.

"I gathered some of their abilities in the very last breaths of my comrades and those other 954,000 ability users; they left some of their abilities behind, and I gathered them earlier without your knowledge." Park Yong Ra informed the monster, and the sky started to light up and it started snowing, until the whole place was covered in snows and ice.

"I'm surely going to die, as this power will take my own life force, but I don't have anything left. And I would say, if I'm going to die, then I'll make sure to take you down with me. " Kendra said, before realizing the tremendous power in the air. The symbol of the Ice, shoot up and go down with a speed that you can't see it anymore.

The ice started to go directly into the monsters' weak spots, and they started to be covered in ice. At that moment, Park Yong Ra fell down on the ground, bathing in the mixed blood of her comrades and enemies.

"I guess this is my last duty. I'm sorry for not being a good commander. I hope all of you will be at peace." Park Yong Ra whispered before slowly closing her eyes. The hand that was holding the spear drops down. indicating that the commander has already fallen.

And the video stopped and everyone was silent. No one said anything.

Sniff sniff

Cale looked at the dragon in his lap; the dragon was holding onto his shirt while sobbing.

"Human, she doesn't deserve that treatment." Raon said while crying that during those times that Cale wasn't there, Raon became attached to Kendra.



On and Hong were crying at his feet. Cale just took them and placed them in their lap.

"She was a good kid. She answered everything that I asked. She helped me when I needed her. She was good. She didn't even ask for anything, but why did she suffer the most? Why Human? Why? This great and mighty dragon doesn't understand anything at all. " Raon burst out crying. Cale just shook his head and didn't say anything.

Eruhaben, Ron and Beacrox just looked outside and tried not to show any emotion, but their hearts ached as they remembered how the girl, a very joyful girl, suffered the most in her time.

Rosalyn was hugging Lock and Mary, who were trying their best not to cry. They experienced different problems, but they were able to handle them. When they looked at the memories of the Priestess, they couldn't help but be thankful that they didn't experience those things since they couldn't handle them.

Choi Han gripped his massive sword so tightly that he could feel the blade slicing his hands.

'I need to defeat those monsters. I need to kill them. I need to kill them. '

"That girl suffered enough. That's why I let her be reincarnated. Her second life started as Lee Ha-nuel and it ended at the age of 36. After you go back to your own world, there is something that you and your continent need to be ready for. And the Versilion family will be the center of it. The moment the Versilion siblings will be together. Us gods will talk to them, so please convey this message. I hope you will succeed with this test, Cale Henituse. Don't you dare lose, as Kendra Versilion still needs you.'' The god of death bid his goodbye and the pitch black surroundings were replaced with the room that they were sleeping in earlier. Kendra and the twins were already placed in the inflatable bed.

"No one will mention this again. Not in front of her. If you need to bury those memories in the deepest part of your brain, do it. Don't let her remember. " Cale ordered and went to lay down next to his family before closing his eyes. No one said anything about the young master's Cale reaction. Everyone but Cale noticed that Cale Henituse looked furious earlier, and was gripping his hands tightly.

Everyone knows what Cale is trying to say. There is no need to mention those things as it will give the dragon priestess bad memories. 

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