Chapter 3

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Previously on 'When It Rains'

Ocean is now three months pregnant ! She needs to start wearing maternity clothes and loose tops because she is growing. Her, her brother, her bestfriend, and her secretly cheating boyfriend had a movie night, which ended in everyone sleeping over. Ocean wakes up to go to the bathroom and discovers blood in her pants. And now, onto chapter 3..


Ocean Odega POV

I screamed at the top of my lungs, disregarding the time of day it was. James immediately burst through the bathroom door and asked me what was wrong. I showed him my pants and I could see the color drain from his face as he looked down at the bloody space on my pants. Out of the corner of my eye I saw June standing at the door and I yelled for her to go get my parents. I wiped, pulled up my pants and got dressed to go to the hospital. My parents rushed into the room and I filled them in. We all hopped in our cars and sped to the hospital.

......The Hospital......

As I'm sitting in the hospital waiting for the doctor to come back with the results, I can't help but to wonder if my baby is okay. I know I'm only three months along but I have to admit I do feel some sort of attachment to this baby, and so does James. Oh James, how did we get ourselves into this situation. We made this baby together and we're going to stick to it together. Most fathers that I've seen or read about never stayed to get to know the baby let alone love it, but James, he's right there supporting me at all times of the day like a good father should. Like a good boyfriend should. I love him so much and I hope he always loves me too. The doctor knocks on the door, pulling me away from my thoughts.

Doctor: Ocean Odega ?

Ocean: Yes, that's me.

Doctor: Okay, well everything seems fine. The reason you were seeing blood is because you were spotting. You see on a normal day this would have been the day you started your cycle and your body knows that. It tried to hold all of your monthly cycles for the baby, but since your flow is extra heavy, you'll more than likely be receiving trimesterly periods, meaning you will get a cycle every three months of your pregnancy until birth, to kind of "empty" out your uterus.

Ocean: Thank god, we thought something happened to the baby. Thank you doctor.

Doctor: No problem, everything is fine.

......Later in the evening......

James Smith POV

After the charade with Ocean earlier with the baby, I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if I ever lost either of them. I still haven't told my parents about the baby, and Ocean can't tell them because she's either too busy or too tired to come over for them to see how big she's gotten. I decided to tell them today, and hope that they react the way I anticipate. When I pull up to my house, I sit in the car for about fifteen minutes, praying that I don't get a bad reaction from my parents, not because Ocean and I weren't careful but because I waited three months to tell them, I just didn't know how they would react and my parents are all I've got. Finally, I decided to go in..

James: Mom, dad, house meeting.

Jemerson: What is it son ? I just got home from work.

Janie: Don't be so hard on him Jemerson. What is it honey ?

James: So, I've got a secret. A really big secret that I've been keeping for months. I don't want you guys to be upset over the secret, or because I waited so long to tell you guys.

Jemerson: Well, out with it son.

Janie: Yeah hun, you can tell us anything.

James: Okay, here goes. Ocean......... is pregnant.


Ocean Odega POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing at about 9pm. I don't recognize the number so I hit decline and turn back over. Three minutes later they call again. I decline again. Three minutes later they call for the third time and I pick up the phone.

Ocean: Hello ?

Caller: Hello Ocean.

Their voice sounds groggy and muffled as if they had something in their mouth while they were talking, or as if they had been crying into a pillow and fell asleep, and had just woken up.

Ocean: Who is this ?

Caller: Just call me.. Justin.

Ocean: Okay.. Justin.. What do you want ?

Caller: I know something you dooonntt..

Ocean: You're starting to freak me out Justin, WHAT DO YOU WANT ?

Caller: I have a secret to tell you but I don't know if I should. It's about James.

Ocean: My boyfriend James ? If he wanted to tell me, he would. I trust him.

Caller: BIG mistake.

Justin hangs up the phone quickly and I couldn't help but wonder what secret he was talking about. James wouldn't lie to me would he ?


James Smith POV

I stood there, waiting for a response from my parents after I told them that Ocean was indeed pregnant. They kind of looked at me in a weird way and I could tell they were very disappointed. Although I could read their faces, I couldn't read their minds, so I had no idea what they were planning on saying next.

Jemerson: Son, I could get over the fact that you were so RECKLESS and got a girl pregnant. But you sit here and look for forgiveness for your lying habits ? You sit and look for forgiveness from the wrong humans son. You think I don't know you were gone every day for a month straight and came home smelling like sex and cheap perfume. You also don't think I know that the Odega's were on vacation in Bali that whole month, and yet you come home and tell us that your girlfriend is pregnant ? You ask for forgiveness from us for your lying ways ? No son. You ask for forgiveness from the mother of your child. Whether she knows or not you ask for forgiveness from her because you won't get any here. You go and think about what you have done.

Janie: We are BEYOND disappointed in you James. We didn't raise you this way.

Hearing the words of my parents stung worse than the first time I got blood drawn, so I do the walk of shame all the way up to my room, accepting defeat as my fate.


Authors Note:

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far ! Let me know your favorite character and as always don't forget to follow me on Wattpad and instagram. Check out my personal link on my profile to keep up with me and without further ado, until next time.

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