Chapter 13

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Previously on 'When It Rains'..
Ocean has some fun shopping for graduation, spills some conversations with her best friend, and prepares for the day she's been waiting months for, and now on to chapter 13..
Ocean Odega POV

The next day I wake up to the smell of a freshly cooked breakfast. I ran downstairs as fast as my belly would allow me to find my family, and June's family, standing around the kitchen.

Alaina: Oh hey Ocean, I was just about to come wake you. Happy graduation day, we're having a nice breakfast to celebrate, and we decided to invite the Harrison's over.
Ocean: Thanks mom, the food smells great !
June: Happy graduation day bestie, we're going to be so cute walking across that stage !
Ocean: Im so glad this school year is finally over.
June: Me too, that reminds me, I have some news for you.
Ocean: What is it ?
June: I also got accepted into Cal Tech !
Ocean: Oh my gosh thats great news ! Now we can still see each other every day !
June: I know right, and I can get my twin every weekend.
Ocean: Your twin ?
June: The boy, because I've always wanted a son. By the way, have you thought of names yet ?
Ocean: Actually I have, But I dont know if I want to tell them to anyone yet.
June: Oh come on Ocean, Just tell us the names ! We're dying to know !
Ocean: Okay fine, I was going to tell you guys after they were born, but I guess I can tell you now, since you are my closest family and friends.

{Everyone waits in anticipation}

Ocean: Baby boy's name is going to be Austin James Smith, named after my father and obviously James.
June: I love that name, though I dont think I'll ever use his middle name because I cannot stand his father. Austin Smith. My son.
Ocean: Your son ?
June: You knew what it was. Tell us baby girl's name.
Ocean: Okay, baby girl's name is going to be Alaina Smith. I dont have a middle name for her yet, but I decided to name her after my mother, because she has been there through the ups and downs with this pregnancy and I want her to know that she's appreciated, and I want her legacy to live through my daughter.
Alaina: I love the idea, and not only because baby girl gets my name.

{Everyone chuckles}

     I get so many congratulations on the twins and praise on the names. I was nervous on sharing the names at first because some people think its cliche when people name their kids after their parents but I just want my parents to live through my kids because they wont always be here.
     After the breakfast get together, me and June went up to my room to get changed for graduation. The ceremony is in a few hours and I still have to get my makeup done, and get dressed. Good thing my mom is the one doing my makeup, as an actress she has to do her own makeup for auditions and sometimes for shooting, so she learned to do a professional look for herself and for moments like this when her only daughter is graduating high school. I decided to go with a natural daytime look, and I think it matches my outfit perfectly. Good thing our caps and gowns are black.
     A few minutes after we arrive to the ceremony, our parents let me and June out so we can go in, and they later found their seats after parking the cars. When I was walking to my place, I started feeling discomfort in my stomach, but I read about Braxton Hicks contractions and I figured it was nothing to worry about, but if I still felt them after graduation I would go to the hospital.
When they called June's name to walk across the stage I could hear both my family and hers screaming and shouting in joy from the bleachers. A few minutes later it was time for them to call my name and as I started to walk up the stairs onto the stage I felt another Braxton hicks contraction. I stumbled, but thankfully no one noticed, and if they did they didn't say anything. I proceeded to walk across the stage and get my diploma.
For the rest of the ceremony I felt the pains getting quicker and quicker, but my water hadn't broken so I thought I would be safe at least until after the ceremony. When graduation finally ended I met with my family and told them what was going on. They decided it would be best to take me to the hospital just to be safe. We hopped in the car and on our way to the hospital I felt a large gush of fluid coming from between my legs. My water broke !!!
When we arrived at the hospital we practically ran inside and was almost thrown in a room instantly. The nurse came in the room and checked my cervix, and she told me that I was already three centimeters dilated. I don't understand how I could already be dilated but I guess those Braxton hicks contractions were really real contractions but I just didn't know it. The contractions continued to get stronger and closer together, but I was determined to have the twins natural. I read up on epidurals and honestly I hate needles, so I wont even attempt it.
Ive been in labor for about 6 hours now and the nurse told me that Ive only reached 4 centimeters since going into labor and she says my doctor suggest that I get a C-section. Apparently, baby girl's heart rate is lower than it should be and they're worried about her ability to breathe on her own, so I agree to get the C-section to try to prevent any defects with the twins, or any events that would lead me to lose one of them. I told the nurse I agree and she immediately called my doctor in.
About 30 minutes later, my doctor arrived and they prepped me for surgery. The twins were coming NOW !

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