Chapter 10

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Previously on 'When it Rains'..
Ocean tells Cameron about Justin harassing her, so Cameron, Ocean, and June all go to the Jewel Residence. A few words lead to a huge brawl and Team Ocean takes the trophy, leaving the Jewel siblings sprawled out on the ground. And now, on to chapter 10.
Ocean Odega POV
     We return to my house laughing and out of breath. When we get in the house my mom is home waiting on us. She doesn't look too happy.

Cam: Hey mom
Alaina: Don't hey mom me Cameron. Where were you guys, and don't you dare lie to me.
Ocean: We just came from the Jewel residence. Justin Jewel was harassing me and calling me, blaming me for Aiya's heart being broken because of something James did. I told Cam and Cameron called him. Justin disrespected me mom. He called me a slut right In front of Cameron's face, so Cam being the big brother that he is, took it into his own hands. You can't be mad at us for that mom, it was Justin's fault.
Alaina: I see. Well Aiya called me and said you guys attacked them, but she didn't tell me everything that happened. I believe my own children over anyone, but it doesn't make what you guys did right.
Ocean: I know mom, I'm sorry, we just couldn't let him get away with saying all that stuff. And June only got dragged into it because we knew Aiya would try to jump in.
Alaina: Wait Aiya tried to hit you ? While you're pregnant ?
Ocean: YES ! She ran towards me because she seen Justin lost the fight with Cameron so she ran towards me but June tackled her. You should've seen it mom it was hilarious.
Alaina: Well then they both got what they deserved. I'm just glad you guys are okay and they aren't pressing charges. We dont need that case.
Ocean: Aiya knows I'm pregnant and she still lunged at me. If anybody would've had a case it would be the Jewels. We have witnesses that she tried to attack me too, trust me mom, they don't want to get the legals involved.

     We continue talking with my mom for a few more minutes until June's parents call for her to come home. Cameron dropped her off alone, while I stayed at home and went upstairs to get ready for bed.

2 months later..
Ocean Odega POV

It's now March and school's almost out. My due date is May 16th, so we'll be out of school by the time I have the babies. James still hasn't woken up from his coma and I'm starting to get really worried that I'm going to have to deliver these babies without his support. I'm now 7 months pregnant, super big, and super emotional. Schools been stressing me out more than usual. It's my senior year so I haven't been feeling like doing anything, I honestly just want to graduate already. I decided that I'm still going to go to college after high school, but I dont know how I'm going to do that with the twins, so I may just end up having to attend community college. This whole year has been crazy. I'm pretty sure I want to become a therapist so I can tell every female patient I have to NOT get pregnant, especially with someone that you don't actually know like you thought you did. 
     Even though school is kicking my ass, I think Ive beat my minor depression. I feel like everything with James and the twins was too new and it was stressing me out more than it should have, but I'm completely content with my life now. The only thing I'm worried about now is James waking up. Call me crazy but I dont know how ill even care for the twins by myself. Of course I have our families to help me, but its not the same as having a father figure in my children's lives. I dont even know if I'll ever be able to move on and get a new boyfriend, because James is just what I'm used to, and to some extent it hurts. I always try to put myself first but for some reason I'm always stuck worrying about my relationship with James. Maybe if he never woke up, I would be forced to focus on what's really important, myself and the twins. I hate to say it but if James never woke up I would be free of his spell, and free to finally think about what's best for me, instead of always trying to fit him into the equation, but thats a terrible thing to say and think so I'm going to push that thought right back into the trash folder of my brain.

     I'm headed to bed when my phone rings. I look at my phone to see who's calling me and lord behold, its Justin Jewels.

Ocean: What the hell do you want Justin ?
Justin: I wanted to apologize to you Ocean. I shouldn't have blamed you for what James did. I was just so angry that my little sister was hurt I didn't even think about what could've happened or who really was to blame. Aiya has had such a hard life. She always came second to me growing up because our parents were just like that. I never made her feel any less than my favorite sister more less my only one. She only has me to depend on. She's never liked anyone more than James Smith, she talks about him all the time and she never can stay away from him even though my parents and I have warned her that he wouldn't do anything but break her heart and that's exactly what happened. I  guess my anger and frustration got took out on you and I sincerely apologize.
Ocean: Im like 97% sure you're just apologizing because my brother beat your ass but what the hell, we're cool.
Justin: thank you, I'm sorry it took so long for me to call you, Ive been busy recovering.
Ocean: Recovering ?
Justin: Yeah, your brother threw me down the stairs and punched me like 42 times, I had crushed ribs, a fractured wrist, and bruises everywhere, plus whenever I stood up my blood pressure dropped, so they had to keep very close eyes on me. I'm fine so far now though. I knew I started the fight so I accepted my consequences.
Ocean: Well, for what its worth, I'm glad you're okay.

There's a quick pause, and Justin thanks me and hangs up the phone. I have a feeling Aiya wont be too pleased with her brother apologizing to me.

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