Chapter 4

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Previously on 'When It Rains'..

James finally tells his parents about Ocean's pregnancy after three months of lying. Not only does his parents not forgive him, but they suggest he tell Ocean about his affair while she was away on a family vacation. Ocean gets a mysterious call from an anonymous person, leaving her questioning James's loyalty and now on to chapter 4..


Ocean Odega POV

I wake up the next day thinking about the events of last night. Can James really be lying to me about something ? I mean what could it be ? We're together every day almost and I have the passwords to all of his accounts. I don't know, I'll just ask him about it later. Right now I have to get up and get dressed.


After I got dressed, I went downstairs and to my liking, Cameron made French toast and a special mixed smoothie that I love oh so much.

Cameron: Hey little sis, how are you feeling ?

Ocean: I'm doing good Cam, way better than earlier.

Cameron: That's good

Ocean: Mom, take me to school ?

Alaina: Of course honey, come on.

When I arrive at school I immediately find June and tell her about the weird call that I got last night about James having a big secret. I ask for her advice on what I should do. On one hand I want to confront him without being too hostile about something I know nothing about, but on another hand I don't even want to feed into the nonsense that is the drama between that caller and whatever they have to do with my boyfriend. "I think you should ask him about it, I mean you don't want to live your life wondering if your boyfriend not to mention the father of your unborn child is lying to you about anything, no matter if it's a small lie or a big one." June tells me. "I mean maybe you're right, if we're going to start a family together, I need to be able to trust him one hundred percent before I continue being naive to someone just because I want to spend the rest of my life with them." I say. I decide I'm going to talk to James after school, to avoid causing a scene in front of everybody. One thing I hate is when you have the whole school in your business, and other than the fact that I'm pregnant, no one knows anything about me or my relationship.

As I make my way into my first period class, I can't help but to notice Aiya staring at me. It looked as if she was staring at my belly but being a senior in high school and I'm pregnant, people always stare. It's something about Aiya's stare though that made me feel uneasy. It made me feel hated for whatever reason. I decided to brush it off and go to my seat but she just kept staring. I started to feel really uncomfortable because every time I looked up Aiya stared at me intensely, so I asked my teacher if I could be excused. The best thing about being pregnant ? I can leave class any time I want for whatever reason and make up my work later.

...... After School......

After school, I make it my mission to find James and ask him about the mysterious person that called my phone last night and accused him of hiding something from me. I find him hanging out with his group of friends by the field, so I take a deep breath and walk over to him. "Hey bae, can I talk to you ?" I ask him. "Sure bae, what's up ?" He says.

Ocean: So I got this weird phone call last night, somebody named Justin.

James: Oh really, what did they say ?

Ocean: They were being really weird and they said that you were hiding something from me, but I told them I trusted you and when I said that they said "Big mistake" and hung up.

I could tell that James was in fact hiding something because as soon as I told him about the conversation, his face turned upside down and he started talking really fast like he was nervous.

James: Um, I have no idea what they could have been talking about, I don't even know a Justin, whatever they were talking about they were probably lying. Did they give you any specifics on what they think I'm hiding ? I say think because obviously I'm not hiding anything but any specifics ?

Ocean: Bae, you're talking really fast, and acting really weird and nervous, are you sure there isn't anything you want to tell me ? I'm the mother of your unborn child, you can tell me anything. You know that.

James looks away and then back at me, and takes a deep breath.

James: I can't keep this going anymore. Before I tell you this, you have to promise you'll still love me.

Ocean: Of course I'll still love you James, I'll always love you, but you're scaring me. What is it ?

James: *Sigh* Okay fine. It's better to tell you now than to hear it from someone else and make it one hundred times worse than it already is. Back in June when you were in Bali for a month, I sort of kind of had a thing going on with Aiya Jewel, basically that whole month. We had sex every time I went to-

I couldn't help but to slap him dead in his face in the middle of his sentence as he tries to play off cheating on me as something that isn't a big deal. His words stung bad with each and every second I knew about the events that happened while I was in Bali. It all makes sense now. Aiya was having sex with my boyfriend for a whole month straight and when I returned he was so focused on me and then me and the baby he must of cut her off. All the lying for months, all the cluelessness, all the feelings. She must have felt horrible finding out the man that played her now had a baby on the way with the same girl he abandoned her for.

Ocean: How DARE you cheat on me you sick son of a bitch ! Now I understand why Aiya was staring at me in class because YOU led her on while I was away because you couldn't keep your DAMN WACKER IN YOUR PANTS for a month while your GIRLFRIEND was away with her FAMILY ! You are such a selfish, self centered DICK ! You deserve to rot in hell for the lies you've told. You'll be lucky if I share custody with you now, because at this moment right now, I never want to see you again !

I walk away in a huff, unable to separate my feelings from my actions, so I hop in the car with my mother and try to put on the best face I could. I didn't want to tell everyone about the events I've just learned about just yet.


Authors note:

Hello all, I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. So much more to get into !

If you want to keep up with me, just check the link in my bio and you will be able to find any and all of my socials to do so, and without further ado, until next time.

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