Chapter 3

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Lisa closed her eyes and relaxed under the warm rays of the early afternoon sun. While she had briefly contemplated a walk to the beach, she dismissed the idea in favour of a sun lounger by the pool. She was still feeling quite lazy, even after sleeping in that morning and taking her time over an early lunch. It was warm but still too early for a fruity drink, so she sipped from her water bottle before placing it underneath the chair.

She had almost... almost... forgotten about the office, and she tried to shove those thoughts away. They could handle things; she knew they could. And if something had happened, Somi would have called. So she relaxed, stretched her arms and legs, reaching for the sun, and enjoying the breeze that blew in from the Gulf.

Another fifteen minutes and she would be ready to plunge into the pool to cool off. She closed her eyes, listening to the muted conversation of the two women splashing in the water. Another woman sat alone, a few loungers away, reading a book.

Lisa had seen her yesterday afternoon with an older woman, but she hadn't determined if they were a couple or not.

"I don't see your skin glistening. Does that mean you forgot the lotion again?"

Lisa didn't need to open her eyes to know who it was. She wondered if she just ignored the blonde, would the woman leave.

"I left it with you, if I recall. And again, I'll offer my services if you need any help reaching your back."

Lisa slowly rolled her head to the side, finding Roseanne looking much like she had the day before, shorts, T-shirt and flip-flops. She said the first thing that came to mind.

"Do you not swim?"

Roseanne tilted her head. "Yes, I love to swim. Why do you ask?"

"Because we're at the pool and you're the only one not wearing a swimsuit."

Roseanne grinned. "You want to see me in a swimsuit, do you? A little bikini, maybe?"

"I assure you, that's not what I meant," Lisa said. "I simply asked if you swim."

"Yeah, but I get my swimming in early. At dawn, when the sun is just beginning to lighten the sky. Daybreak. It's a great way to start the day," Roseanne said. A mischievous grin spreading across her face. "But I use the other pool. You know, the one where clothing is optional." Her voice lowered. "You know, without a swimsuit. That means naked."

"I know what clothing optional means," Lisa said dryly. She felt herself blushing and was thankful for her sunglasses.

"I don't know if you're into skinny-dipping, but it's the most wonderful thing in the world."

"Not really my thing," she said.

"Really? You could always join me tomorrow morning," Roseanne offered. "You should try it. You might like it."

Lisa shook her head. "Look, I'm flattered by your attention. Really. But I'm not interested," she said frankly.

The smile never left Roseanne's face. "I thought it was the lotion you weren't interested in."

Liaa couldn't stop the smile that lit her own face, she bit her lip trying to control it, as she recalled their conversation from yesterday. "Yes, that too. And no offense, but you're not my type."

"Really?" Roseanne studied her, her gaze traveling slowly over her body, making Lisa a little uncomfortable. "Let me guess," Roseanne continued. "Your type is a little more reserved? Conservative? Professional?"

Lisa didn't answer, but Roseanne's description was very accurate. And it made her sound very boring.

"And if my assumption is correct, then yeah, those three things don't describe me at all. I guess I'm really not your type."

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