Chapter 13

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"Not tonight," Roseanne said as Staci tried to pull her inside her apartment. She gently untangled herself from the other woman, not wanting to hurt her feelings. Staci had made it perfectly clear she wanted to have sex.

"What's wrong? I thought you had a good time the other night?"

"Oh, I did. It was great," she said. "But I have to help a friend out very early in the morning." Then she rubbed her temple. "And I have a bit of a headache," she added, hoping she sounded convincing.

"That's not fair, Roseanne. I sat through your boring party for nothing then."

"Boring? You got free dinner and booze," she said.

"Like I couldn't get that anytime I wanted," Staci said with a toss of her blonde hair. "If you're not interested, I'll just go to the bar then."

Roseanne didn't know if she was saying that hoping to get a jealous reaction or what, and frankly, she didn't care.

"Great. But be careful. You've been drinking."

"Yes. I've been drinking and I want to have sex," Staci said, rubbing her hand up Roseanne's chest. Roseanne stopped her movements before she reached her breast.

"I'm sorry. But I need to go."

"Fine." Staci closed her door and locked it. "I'm going out."

Roseanne stepped aside as Staci brushed past her and headed to her car. Roseanne shook her head as she stood there by Staci's apartment, watching as she sped away. She blew out her breath, wondering if she should have just taken her to bed and gotten it over with.

But no. It wasn't Staci she wanted. It wasn't this twenty-something college girl she wanted to be with.

She headed toward her Jeep, trying not to think about Lisa with Tzuyu. Were they in bed now? Were they touching? Were Tzuyu's hands on her body, on her breasts?

Images of her and Lisa came flooding back. It felt like only yesterday that they were down at the coast... playing, laughing, making love. She remembered the feel of Lisa's skin. She remembered how dark Lisa's eyes got when she entered her. She remembered how it felt to have Lisa's nipple in her mouth, the taste of her, and God, the sound she made as she climaxed. She remembered it all like it was yesterday.

And now here they were. What were the chances that they would run into each other? She had convinced herself that she would never see Lisa again. She had tried twice more to get Jisoo to give up her information, but each time, Jisoo had refused.

Roseanne had finally accepted it. Lisa would be a memory, nothing more. But here she was, living in Austin. And dating Chou Tzuyu.

Tzuyu was an attorney. She was a professional woman. A very successful professional woman, judging by the home she'd had custom built. She was someone who Lisa had professed was exactly her type. Roseanne couldn't even begin to compete with Tzuyu.

She needed to just let it go. Lisa hadn't given her any indication that she wanted to see her again. In fact, it was almost like Lisa had gone out of her way to avoid her at the party. Yeah, she would let it go.

After all, Lisa wasn't her type. No, Staci was her type. Staci, the young college student who wanted to have sex with her. Staci, the one who had run off to the bar because Roseanne didn't want to have sex with her.

What is wrong with you?


"Hello? Earth to Lisa."

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