Chapter 5

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"You did WHAT?"

"Calm down sis. She's not going to file a complaint," Roseanne insisted. "At least I don't think so." She stole a french fry from Jisoo's plate. "And it's not like I planned to stay out there all night." "Please don't get me fired!" She sighed. "She's really cute."

"Sure. But she's not your type," Jisoo reminded her.

"Oh, I know. But did you get a good look at her body?"

"I did. And that is the only thing about her that is your type!" She said with a laugh.

"Yeah. She doesn't seem the type to go for a holiday romance. But I like a challenge. And at least it gives me something to do." She shrugged, putting the last bite of burger into her mouth and wadding up the wrapper. "So, are you and Jennie going to the shindig down the beach tonight?"

"Over at the Conch Hotel? Yeah, Matt invited us. When did you speak to him?"

"I called in to see him yesterday before meeting you guys for dinner." She raised her eyebrows.

"So, are you going?"

"Are you?"

Roseanne shrugged. "Well, It is my birthday. And at least Matt remembered, so I suppose I should show up. He's got a 'fabulous new gumbo dish that's to die for,’" she mimicked.

Jisoo laughed. "He's such a queen. Like literally. He's doing drag shows now, did he tell you?"

Roseanne nodded. Matt was Jisoo's age and they had all gone to high school together. He was always flamboyant and never apologised for it. He got picked on in school, of course, but that had never deterred him. Matt was one of the smartest people she knew and could have done anything he wanted, but he was too entrenched in the beach scene to leave the area. He had been working at hotels on the island since he turned eighteen. This was his third year as manager of the Conch. In fact, he was the one who had introduced Jisoo to the hotel business.

"So, what are your plans for the afternoon?" Jisoo asked. "And please don't say more stalking!"

"I'll probably hang out by the pool," she said as she glanced out the window of Jisoo's office.

Lisa had not made an appearance yet. "Maybe I’ll walk down to the beach and splash around for a while."

"Please behave yourself," Jisoo warned.

"I'm attracted to her. What can I say?" Roseanne stood, returning her chair to its place, in front of Jisoo's desk.

"You can say that you won't do anything stupid!" Jisoo tossed the remnants of her burger into the trash. "And thanks for lunch. Maybe we'll see you tonight over at the Conch?"

"Yep. Later, sis."

When she left Lisa earlier that morning, Roseanne was still feeling drained and had gone back to her room, intending to take a quick nap on a real bed. Which had lasted until ten thirty. After a shower and a late cup of coffee, she was ready to enjoy another day at the beach. But when Lisa was a no-show at the pool, she offered to go get lunch for Jisoo.

Now, with the afternoon ahead of her, she peeked around the corner towards the pool, looking for Lisa in her normal spot. But nothing, the brunette still hadn’t arrived. Well, she couldn't go up to Lisa's room. She would just have to wait her out.

God, I am a stalker!

That thought amused her as she headed in the opposite direction towards her own room, a smile on her face. She stripped out of her shorts and found her bikini, a sleek black one that the volleyball player had given her. Her breasts were small, but Suzy had said this bikini made them look perky.

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